Individual and community projects to help protect threatened species including koalas, platypus and greater gliders, as well as combat invasive weeds, have been supported by Council grants.
19 August: The newly restored Boonah School of Arts advertising drop curtain was unveiled yesterday at the Boonah Cultural Centre where it now proudly hangs.
17 August: Hear ye, hear ye! Scenic Rim Regional Council is calling for Expressions of Interest for a new town crier who can fill the honorary shoes of an important character within our region.
13 August: Local road users can now enjoy a safer, more reliable journey with the completion of Josephville bridge, thanks to a partnership between the Australian Government and Scenic Rim Council
7 August: Council welcomes the addition of Mount Lindesay Highway to Infrastructure Australia's latest update of the National Infrastructure Priority List released earlier this week.
4 August: Financial Assistance Grants, Works for Queensland Funding, the timing of land valuations and funding of the rabbit-proof fence have been nominated for discussion at a landmark conference.
29 July: Scenic Rim Regional Council is continuing to consult with stakeholders as it considers the future of the Beaudesert saleyards.
24 July: Scenic Rim ratepayers whose circumstances have changed or who are experiencing financial hardship may be eligible for assistance following Council’s changes to its rates and charges.
21 July: Scenic Rim Regional Council welcomes the approval its projects submitted under the Queensland Government's COVID Works for Queensland Program.
20 July: Funding for initiatives that contribute to the health and well-being of the community, preserve and enhance the natural environment and enrich the region’s cultural life are now available.
17 July: Following the recent adoption of a new Customer Charter, Scenic Rim Regional Council has published an update sharing research outcomes, which is propelling change throughout the organisation.
15 July: Council will borrow $1.5 million this financial year to purchase land for a sporting precinct, which will serve the high population growth expected in the future.
13 July: Three projects which will enrich the cultural life of the Scenic Rim have been supported by Council through the Regional Arts Development Fund Program (RADF).
13 July: Council is calling for expressions of interest from Scenic Rim providers who are suitably skilled in delivering community wellbeing programs in 2021.
10 July: Visitors will be welcomed to the 'Richest place on earth, in Australia' as part of the Scenic Rim's destination marketing campaign, which relaunches across South-East Queensland this weekend.
10 July: Council has adopted a second Economic Stimulus Package to minimise the ongoing financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and support the Scenic Rim's economic recovery.