Council supports long-term sustainability of Minto Crag

Minto Crag

At today's Ordinary Meeting, Scenic Rim Regional Council agreed not to accept the Department of Natural Resources and Mines offer of a trusteeship of land where Minto Crag is located unless the cultural significance was recognised.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said Council wanted to ensure that should Council accept the trusteeship, there would need to be an agreed transition process to vest oversight to the local Ugarapul people.

"Minto Crag is a significant geological feature located south west of Boonah and has become a focal point for rock climbers in recent times," he said.

"This has caused significant concern within  the community about the impacts of such use and the long-term sustainability of the area.

"Council undertook many conversations before coming to today's decision following concerns raised by adjoining property owners, and local community and Indigenous groups about climbing routes being established on the main rock face, which were causing damage to the rockface.

"While the site is attractive to the rock climbing fraternity, and could potentially bring many visitors to the region, we must ensure we maintain the cultural and environmental integrity of the site.

"I believe it is significant to recognise that Indigenous lore prohibits climbing of the rock."

Division 5 Councillor Marshall Chalk echoed the Mayor's sentiments.

"The area has been a sacred site for local Indigenous people and it also shelters important flora and fauna," he said.

“Current local land holders and those over the past 150 years have preserved Minto Crag and it has remained untouched for all this time.

"We recognise the significance of Minto Crag and believe it's not in Council's or ratepayers' best interests to take on the land as trustees unless there is the appropriate oversight given to the local Ugarapul people.

"In any case, we will advocate for its future, and will support the Department and local environmental and Indigenous groups regarding the long-term environmental and cultural sustainability and preservation of Minto Crag for future generations."

Image: Council is supporting the long-term sustainability of Minto Crag (image credit - Trevor Wenzel)