Development Process
The application process for development in the Bromelton State Development Area is slightly different to the application process in place for other parts of the local government area.
There are two planning instruments that apply to the Bromelton State Development Area. One is the Coordinator-General's Bromelton State Development Area Development Scheme and the other is Council's Scenic RIm Planning Scheme 2020. Each instrument applies to different types of applications.
The assessment of applications for Material Change of Use is dealt with under the Coordinator General's Development Scheme, whereas the assessment of other types of applications such as subdivision and operational works continue to be handled under Council's Planning Scheme. A summary of this process is illustrated below:

Further enquiries
If you are seeking to make an application for a new land use (Material Change of Use) within the Bromelton State Development Area, please contact the State Development Area Unit for more information.
If you are seeking to make an application for other types of development (other than a Material Change of Use) please contact Council's Planning section: