What is Advocacy?
Advocacy is the action of influencing change in areas out of Council's direct control to bring about positive change that will ultimately improve or maintain the health and wellbeing of the community.
For Council, advocacy might mean seeking external funding or in-kind contribution to a project, a new/changed policy or position, or another outcome that is important to the community.
Advocacy Initiatives can be delivered in many ways and Council will identify the most appropriate forms of advocacy to achieve its desired outcomes.
Advocacy, both directly and through the Council of Mayors South East Queensland, helps Council to secure funding from other levels of government, broadening our revenue base beyond rates and charges, and to influence Queensland and Australian Government policy to support the Scenic Rim community. Working collectively with 11 other southeast Queensland councils gives us a stronger voice to communicate our needs.
View the 2025 Advocacy Statements below, which focuses on transport, connectivity, reasonable access for community amenity, and ongoing financial sustainability for service and infrastructure support.
2025 Advocacy Statements
Media releases
See the most recent media releases below relating to the 2025 Advocacy Statements.
- 27 February: Advocacy plan calls for candidate's support for community priorities.
- 25 March: Council on track to deliver first stage of Beaudesert to Bethania Rail Trail
The 2025 Advocacy Plan
The 2025 Advocacy Statements plan covers the following advocacy priorities
1. Salisbury to Beaudesert passenger rail
2. Extension to the Rail Trail
3. Roads - road network of 1,767 kms (974 kms sealed roads and 793 unsealed roads)
4. Coulson Road upgrade
5. Kooralbyn to Boonah connection road
6. Better social and supporting infrastructure for tourism
7. Bromelton State Development Area
8. Council University Centre (CUC)
9. PCYC Beaudesert
10. A business accelerator/incubator in the Beaudesert Enterprise Precinct in partnership with traction
11. Strategic Waste Management, including disposal of ARTC land to Local Government
12. Reliable Telecommunications and internet connectivity