Plans and Documents

Disaster Management Plans

Scenic Rim Local Disaster Management Plan (LDMP)

Our Local Disaster Management Plan outlines how to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from a disaster or emergency event.

The plan ensures we develop strategies that will reduce the impact of a disaster - including natural disasters or disasters caused by people. The plan considers all types of disasters, including disasters that disrupt essential services or involve an attack against the state.

For more information, please download the Local Disaster Management Plan.


Scenic Rim Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG)

The Local Disaster Management Group is responsible for disaster management in the Scenic Rim.

The group helps the community to:

  • reduce the potential damaging effects of a disaster
  • prepare to manage the effects of a disaster, and
  • respond to and recover from a disaster or emergency.

The Scenic Rim Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) includes representatives from:

  • Scenic Rim Regional Council
  • Queensland Police Service
  • Queensland Ambulance Service
  • Queensland Fire Department
  • Queensland Health
  • Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
  • Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy
  • Department of Defence
  • Department of Transport and Main Roads
  • SEQ Water
  • Queensland Reconstruction Authority
  • Urban Utilities
  • Energex, and
  • Australian Red Cross.

To govern the Scenic Rim Local Disaster Management Group in its operation, roles and responsibilities, the group follows the endorsed Scenic Rim Local Disaster Management Group Terms of Reference and Guide.

To view, please download the Scenic Rim Local Disaster Management Group Terms of Reference and Guide.

Disaster Management Plans

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