Growth Management Strategy

Scenic Rim Growth Management Strategy 2041

A Plan for the Scenic Rim's Growing Population 

The Scenic Rim Growth Management Strategy 2041 (Growth Management Strategy) was adopted by Council on 22 November 2022 and was prepared to plan for the future growth needs of the Scenic Rim.   

The Scenic Rim has experienced steady population growth over the last decade. In 2016 it was home to 41,000 residents and this increased to approximately 44,000 in 2021.  

The Scenic Rim's population is expected to reach over 67,000 by 2041 and there is a need to plan for 11,000 additional dwellings and at least 7,609 new jobs between 2016-2041 to support this growth. Council prepared the Growth Management Strategy to ensure that growth is thoughtfully planned and delivered in an efficient and holistic manner, balancing opportunities and impacts and competing priorities.  

The Minister's conditions of approval for the adoption of the Scenic Rim Planning Scheme 2020 also required Council to ensure the Planning Scheme advanced the outcomes of the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2017 (ShapingSEQ) through the preparation of a Growth Management Strategy. 

Scenic Rim Growth 2041

What does the Growth Management Strategy do? 

The Growth Management Strategy was prepared over two years and involved extensive community and stakeholder consultation.  The Growth Management Strategy: 

  • guides future actions, including amendments to the Scenic Rim Planning Scheme 2020 and the Local Government Infrastructure Plan.  These are subject to the plan making and amendment processes under the Planning Act 2016; and 

  • outlines implementation strategies that include ongoing advocacy for State-led infrastructure and the ShapingSEQ changes to support the growth of the region.

Township in the Scenic Rim

Key Growth Management Strategy Policy Directions 

The Growth Management Strategy addresses key policy directions for the management of future growth within the region. This includes: 

  1. The primacy of the Bromelton State Development Area as a regionally significant industrial employment area, that will catalyse growth opportunities for Scenic Rim; 

  1. Planning for employment growth to offer greater opportunities for people to both live and work within the region, which meets the projected needs; 

  1. Providing greater housing choice, supply and diversity to meet the dwelling supply benchmarks provided within the ShapingSEQ, including meeting the needs of small households, catering for ageing in place and the provision of more small dwellings; 

  1. Protection and promotion of the region’s key economic sectors, including agribusiness and tourism; 

  1. The role of each study area in contributing to the region’s overall dwelling supply benchmarks; 

  1. Updating Matters of Environmental Significance and identifying and implementing additional opportunities in the Planning Scheme to support movement of fauna in the region through biodiversity linkages that further protect and enhance the region’s natural assets and biodiversity; 

  1. Promoting opportunities for the continued sustainability and vibrancy of the Scenic Rim’s rural townships and villages; 

  1. Ensuring growth is supported by community infrastructure through continuing Council-led initiatives and strong coordination with state agencies, to guide prioritised provision and development of community facilities to meet the diverse and changing needs of the Scenic Rim community; 

  1. Consolidating Beaudesert’s role as the Principal Rural Activity Centre for the Scenic Rim and its suitability in accommodating the majority of population and employment growth, which continues to be the primary focus of business activity and the highest concentration of higher density residential development within the region, supported by the Bromelton State Development Area; 

  1. Ensuring that development continues to result in a point of difference in neighbourhood character and residential built form, in a way which uniquely defines the relaxed living and rural lifestyle choices offered by the Scenic Rim within the SEQ region; 

  1. Protection of local heritage and character values; and 

  1. Provision of greater accessibility and connectivity to the region, including improved transport accessibility, road and rail accessibility and digital connectivity. 

Key Documents

Local Growth Strategies

Aratula Download
Beaudesert - Gleneagle Download
Boonah Download
Canungra Download
Harrisville Download
Kalbar Download
Kooralbyn Download
Peak Crossing Download
Tamborine Mountain Download
Tamborine Download

Key Dates

9 December 2019

Council endorsed the preparation of a the Growth Management Strategy. 

22 June 2020

Council (in closed session) adopted the Scenic Rim Growth Management Strategy Project Management Plan and endorsed the commencement of the project in July 2020. 

9 March 2021 

Council endorsed the Scenic Rim Growth Management Strategy Stakeholder Engagement Strategy and consultation survey. 

18 January 2022 

Council endorsed the Draft Scenic Rim Growth Management Strategy 2041 for community and stakeholder consultation. 

2 February - 27 March 2022 

Public consultation of the Draft Scenic Rim Growth Management Strategy 2041. The outcomes of community consultation are provided in the consultation report. 

28 March - November 2022 

Review of the feedback on the Draft Scenic Rim Growth Management Strategy 2041 and preparation of final for Council's consideration for adoption. 

25 October 2022 

Consultation Report endorsed and post-consultation draft available for viewing and feedback to Councillors and the Strategic Planning Team. 

22 November 2022 

Adoption of the Scenic Rim Growth Management Strategy 2041 

Further information 

For more information, please contact the Strategic Planning Team by phoning (07) 5540 5111 or emailing