Public Health

  • Queensland Health - We encourage residents to monitor Queensland Health's website, as the lead health agency for the State, for all the latest information about COVID-19. 
  • Anyone with concerns should call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) for advice. 
  • Queensland Government  - Essential information about the support available from the Queensland Government.
  • Australian Government Department of Health - provides daily updates, FAQs, current facts and figures, travel advice, key contact and phone numbers.
  • The Australian Government - includes the latest Coronavirus news, updates and advice from government agencies across Australia.\

Food Safety

Food safety is an important issue to the Australian community. The correct construction, maintenance and operation of a food premises ensures the general community is protected from food that is not safe to eat. An important part of providing safe food is licensing. Councils are responsible for licensing food premises in accordance with the Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) Food Safety Standards and the Food Act 2006. The main purpose of the Food Act 2006 is to ensure food for sale is safe and suitable for human consumption. This Act requires council to monitor the standard of operations in fixed food premises and this is achieved by providing for the licensing of particular food businesses. Compliance with the Act will assist you in providing safe food for your customers.

Food Safety Supervisors

All licensable food businesses require a Food Safety Supervisor as of 1 July 2008. For more information about food safety compliance visit the Queensland Health food safety website.


Food recalls

A food recall removes food that may pose a health or safety risk from distribution, sale and consumption. It  may occur because of a report or complaint from manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, government and consumers. FSANZ offers a free subscription service for food recall alerts through its website. Sign up now to receive information about food recalls which may affect your business.



For food related forms go to the Health and Environment section of the forms page


More information

Please contact Council's Health Services team on 07 5540 5111.


In an effort to stop the spread of mosquito-borne diseases, Council has an ongoing treatment program to reduce mosquito breeding grounds on public land. Residents are encouraged to get rid of all breeding grounds around their homes by:

  • Emptying all containers, including pot plant bases, birdbaths and flower vases, at least once a week and wiping the inside to remove mosquito eggs
  • Ensuring all openings to rainwater tanks are effectively screened with wire gauze
  • Keeping roof guttering free of leaves so that pools of water do not form
  • Drilling holes in tyres used for swings or garden surrounds to allow water to drain
  • Keeping ornamental ponds stocked with fish and free of water weeds

Noise and nuisance

The Environmental Protection Act 1994 and Environmental Protection Regulation 1998 set various requirements in relation to residential nuisance issues in Queensland. If issues between neighbours cannot be resolved and further complaints are made, Council will investigate. There are on-the-spot fines prescribed by the legislation for not complying with the requirements. 

The following residential nuisance issues are regulated by Council:

  • Noise from power tools and lawn mowers (known as ‘regulated devices')
  • Building work noise
  • Swimming pool pump noise
  • Air conditioning, refrigeration plant and equipment noise
  • Smoke nuisance
  • Dust emissions
  • Odour emissions

To respond to a complaint Council requires your contact details (including your name), an address for the location of the alleged nuisance, and information on the nature of the issue.


Noise from Licensed Premises

Noise from licensed premises is regulated by the Office of Liqour and Gaming Regulation.

Noise from music, parties and off-road vehicles

Noise from music, parties and off-road vehicles (including trail bikes on private property) is regulated by the Queensland Police Service.