Corporate Publications

2022-2023 Annual Report

Annual Report

Scenic Rim Regional Council's annual review of the performance of the organisation against the objectives of the Community Plan, Corporate Plan and Operational Plan.


budget 24-25

2024-2025 Budget

Scenic Rim Regional Council's 2024-2025 Budget provides the details of Council's Budget adopted at its Special Meeting on 28 June 2024.


service catalogue

Service Catalogue 2022-2023

Core service activities are those activities undertaken by Council to meet the needs of the community. These activities are contained within the Service Catalogue. It is important that core services reflect our strategic direction and align to our Corporate Plan commitments.


Srrc agribusiness plan

Scenic Rim Agribusiness and Agritourism Three-Year Action Plan and 10-Year Roadmap

The agriculture and tourism industries in the Scenic Rim together account for over $400 million of the regional economy’s Gross Regional Product (GRP) and employ over 4,000 locals1. As the twolargest economic contributors, the Scenic Rim Regional Council is committed to growing these sectors by partnering with industry to develop a coordinated regional approach.

View the Action Plan and Road Map

Scenic Rim Community Plan

Community Plan

The Scenic Rim Community Plan 2011-26 expresses a shared vision for the region's future and will guide Council and community action on issues including the environment, economic development, social well being, infrastructure and governance.


Corporate plan 2026 cover web

Corporate Plan

Scenic Rim 2026 sets the strategic direction for council for the next five years. The plan is a key element of Council's planning framework, guiding the organisation's decision making about operational priorities and resource allocation.



Operational Plan

The annual Operational Plan outlines actions that will be undertaken over the next 12 months to deliver the strategic priorities in Council's Corporate Plan. 



Scenic Rim Nature-based Tourism Strategy 2023-2032

The Scenic Rim Nature-based Tourism Strategy 2023-2032 will establish the Scenic Rim as the pre-eminent destination for nature-based tourism in Queensland by 2032, and ensure that the Scenic Rim's natural places are shared and protected for the enjoyment, appreciation and benefit of locals and visitors. The Strategy provides a strong foundation for the development and extension of nature-based activities and product in the Scenic Rim region. It supports the growth of the region's nature-based tourism businesses, as well as accommodation and other businesses servicing their visitors across the region, contributing to the sustainable management of the region's economy and local lifestyle.


Cover of Smart Region Strategy

Scenic Rim Smart Region Strategy 2022-2032

The Scenic Rim Smart Region Strategy 2022-2032 will leverage new technologies, innovation and data to enhance the liveability, workability and sustainability of the region. This strategy was developed following consultation with local residents and business operators to create a shared vision for the region’s use of new technologies and data and to allow local businesses and communities to embrace and adapt to changing global digital trends. 


SRRC waste management and resource recovery strategy web cover

Scenic Rim Regional Council Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy 2021-2026

The Scenic Rim Regional Council Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy 2021-2026 is an extension of Council's existing strategic documents and provides specific direction for Council to meet state government requirements to monitor and reduce waste generation and increase resource recovery. 


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Scenic Rim Regional Council Community Engagement Strategy 2021-2026

The Scenic Rim Regional Council's Community Engagement Strategy 2021-2026 guides the way Council designs and manages interaction with its community. It outlines the principles and mechanisms that should be considered when developing a community engagement strategy and activity plans.



Scenic Rim Regional Council Biodiversity Strategy 2015-2025

The Scenic Rim Regional Council Biodiversity Strategy 2015-2025 is a strategic ten year plan for the management of the region’s biodiversity. The strategy outlines the context for biodiversity conservation in the Scenic Rim and reflects Council’s vision for the Region.


Scenic Rim Regional Prosperity Strategy Cover

Scenic Rim Regional Prosperity Strategy 2020-2025

The Scenic Rim Regional Prosperity Strategy 2020 - 2025 is a five-year economic development strategy, which sets a clear direction and roadmap for the Scenic Rim's future economic growth and sustainability.


Customer Experience Strategy

Scenic Rim Regional Council Customer Experience Strategy 2021-2023

The Scenic Rim Regional Council Customer Experience Strategy 2021-2023 is Council's roadmap to building a contemporary and customer-focused organisation.


View the results of the Customer Satisfacton Survey here.

Communication Strategy cover

Scenic Rim Regional Council Communication Strategy 2020-23

The Scenic Rim Regional Council Communication Strategy 2020-23 provides a clear direction for Council's communication with its community over the next three years.


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Past Corporate Publications

Previous Scenic Rim Regional Council Corporate Publications can be found here.

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