Lodging a building and plumbing application

Plumbing Application

Electronic file requirements

File format

  • All files must be in PDF format, where possible;
  • Contain one specific document or set of plans per file, not packaged together;
  • Unlocked with no password protection.

File size

File size requirements depend on how the application or correspondence is lodged.

  • Council's email mailbox will accept up to 24MB at one time

If a document or set of plans exceeds these limits, it should be:

  • Split into smaller files
  • Sent as separate emails (e.g. Proposal Plans 1 of 3)

Note: Documents for building and plumbing applications must be attached to an email.

File naming

  • All file names must be titled to reflect the type of document

Lodging by email

To lodge applications and correspondence by email, refer to the following guidelines:

Lodging in person or by post

  • Applications for all construction submitted must include one (1) copy of all documentation
  • Applications can be lodged in person at one of Council's Customer Service Centre's or via mail to the details listed below:

Scenic Rim Regional Council
PO Box 25 BEAUDESERT  QLD  4285 


  • Beaudesert Customer Service Centre 82 Brisbane Street Beaudesert
  • Boonah Customer Service Centre 70 High Street Boonah
  • Tamborine Library & Customer Service corner of Main Street and Yuulong Road Tamborine Mountain

For any issues, please call: 07 5540 5111

Fees and payments

Council requires payment of all applicable fees at the time of lodging an application. Failure to include payment at time of lodgement may result in the application being returned as "not properly made".