Keep crypto at bay so summer goes swimmingly

Scenic Rim Regional Council is appealing to users of its public pools to play their part to stop the spread of waterborne illnesses this swim season.
Mayor Greg Christensen said that, with summer on the way, it was important that people practised good pool hygiene and stayed out of the water after they have been unwell to ensure aquatic facilities remained safe for all swimmers.
"It is vital that people do not enter swimming pools until at least two weeks after they have completely recovered from a diarrhoeal illness,” he said.
“This is because bugs such as cryptosporidium (also known as crypto) E.coli and other germs can be transmitted through contaminated pool water.
“If everyone does the right thing, all users of our public pools can enjoy the water and stay well this summer.”
Scenic Rim Sport and Recreation Portfolio Councillor Marshall Chalk said that, by following a few simple tips, outbreaks of waterborne disease could be prevented.
“Children under 5 years are at higher risk of catching cryptosporidiosis, so we want to make sure our little ones are kept safe,” he said.
“While at an aquatic facility, we ask residents to:
- shower with soap before entering the water
- take children on regular bathroom breaks
- ensure children who are not toilet-trained wear tight-fitting waterproof pants or nappies
- change pants or nappies in a bathroom and not at the poolside
- wash their hands with soap and water after changing a child’s nappy, and
- avoid swallowing pool water.”
If an adult or child has a loss of bowel control while at an aquatic facility, staff should be notified immediately so that appropriate health measures can be put in place.