Scenic Rim Regional Council a leader in waste innovation, recycling

Cover image of disaster waste management document

Scenic Rim Regional Council's Disaster Waste Management Project is a finalist in the national 2023 Waste Innovation and Recycling Awards.  

Council's plan, which was developed in conjunction with Talis Consultants, outlines how to manage waste generated through disaster events and provide improved health outcomes for residents and the environment, has been nominated for the Outstanding Waste and Resource Recovery Project Award: Regional/Rural. 

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said he was very proud that Council was in the running for the prestigious award.  

"The Waste Innovation and Recycling Awards recognise organisations that drive societal change through innovative environmental and sustainable solutions," he said.  

"This is a proud moment for the region and it speaks to Council's efforts to deliver better outcomes for our residents and the environment. 

"Our staff have worked extremely hard on the Disaster Waste Management Project and this gives them the recognition they deserve as leaders in the waste and recycling industry."  

Mayor Christensen said the project, which was open for consultation via the online Let's Talk Scenic Rim community engagement platform earlier this year, allowed Council to build its disaster waste management resilience, now and into the future. 

"This project shows that, with planning in place, waste generated from declared disasters can be managed in a practical, safe, efficient and sustainable manner," he said.  

"Forward planning and preparation for such events will provide our residents with certainty and direction when a disaster strikes and result in better public health, environmental and financial outcomes compared to a reactive approach." 

"Council is grateful for the Australian Government's support through the Preparing Australian Communities Program - Local Stream that has funded the development of the Disaster Waste Management Plan and the Waste Services Resilience Road Map." 

The Waste Innovation and Recycling Awards will be presented in Melbourne on Wednesday 25 October 2023.