Community welcomes Price Creek Bridge funding announcement

Image of Price Creek where bridge is to be built

Members of the Illinbah and wider Scenic Rim community have welcomed the announcement of $3.1 million in funding for a bridge at Price Creek that will be more resilient to flooding and provide increased confidence in the Scenic Rim's road network.

The Australian Government's Emergency Response Fund will provide for a two-lane concrete bridge to replace the low-level crossing which is vulnerable to extreme weather events that often result in the area's 73 residential properties and businesses becoming isolated.

Scenic Rim Division 3 Councillor Virginia West, who chairs the Scenic Valleys Regional Road Group and is a member of the Local Government Association of Queensland's Roads and Transport Advisory Group, welcomed the funding for the new bridge on Upper Coomera Road at Ferny Glen.

"In recent years, funding by the Australian and Queensland Governments through the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements provided for Jerome Bridge on Upper Coomera Road and Bennett Bridge, which replaced the low-lying Bennett Crossing on Illinbah Road, improving safety and accessibility for the community," she said.

"With co-investment from the Australian Government through the Bridge Renewal Program, Council was able to replace the ageing timber Flying Fox Bridge at Ferny Glen.

"The new bridge at Price Creek represents another key piece of infrastructure in our Scenic Rim road network as the current flood-prone causeway is the only access for business and residential properties at Illinbah, Tabletop, Gray and Price Creek Roads.

“I am grateful for the Australian Government's support through the Emergency Response Fund that will improve access, but also more importantly safety, for the Illinbah Valley during extreme wet weather."

The funding announcement for Price Creek Bridge was welcome news for Nicole Krause, an Australia Post parcel delivery contractor.

"I've experienced being flooded in and flooded out - being stuck at home and unable to run my business or unable to get home and forced to stay overnight in Canungra with the causeway under water," she said.

"At times this has cost me a week's wages because I couldn't get out to do my deliveries, and other times I've had to rely on neighbours to look after my animals because I have been unable to get home."

The isolation caused by flooding following heavy rain is also an issue for young families with school-aged children and elderly members of the community with health issues.

"This has become a popular area to move into but people who have purchased properties have not realised how isolated it can become," Nicole said.

"I am really looking forward to Price Creek being upgraded."