Community feedback valuable in shaping Council's landmark budget

Image of Councillors following adoption of 2023-2024 Budget

Feedback from the Scenic Rim community has contributed to the development of Council's landmark $112.17 million 2023-2024 Budget.

Adopted at today's Special Meeting, the budget represents a milestone in Council's ongoing journey towards becoming a more customer-focused organisation that values and responds to community feedback.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said the budget was Scenic Rim's first to be developed with direct input from the community, identifying ratepayers' priorities that have informed Council's planning for 2023-2024 and into the future.

"Council's 2023-2024 Budget has been framed in the context of a number of challenges for our region," he said.

"Most notably, these are reductions in the level of funding from the Australian and Queensland governments, rising costs, and the need to balance long-term financial sustainability against increasing community expectations in our delivery of services and facilities," he said.

"We are facing challenging economic conditions, with increasing cost pressures for both our organisation and our community, against the backdrop of the region's recovery from the financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and a series of extreme weather events in recent years."

Aware of the current economic impacts on businesses and households, Council has worked to minimise its increases in the General Rates and Community Infrastructure Charge.

Although the overall rates revenue increase will be 7.9 per cent, rates for 65 per cent of residential principal places of residence will see an increase, in line with the current Consumer Price Index, of 7.4 per cent or less.

Rates for typical residential principal place of residence properties on the minimum general rate, with a valuation of less than $228,845, will increase by $81 in 2023-2024 to $1244. Combined with the $50 rise in the community infrastructure charge, the total increase will be $131, to $1794, equating to a $2.52 a week increase.

Rates for typical rural principal place of residence properties, on the minimum general rate, and which have a valuation of less than $314,222, will increase by $91 in 2023-2024 to $1381. With the $50 rise in the community infrastructure charge, the total increase will be $141, to $1931, equating to a $2.71 a week increase.

"In the face of current economic headwinds, we are continuing to focus on building a strong future for the region and providing the best possible value to ratepayers," Mayor Christensen said.

"Recognising the importance of key infrastructure in driving the region's local economy, Council will continue to invest in the Scenic Rim's network of roads and bridges as well as community facilities."

Capital expenditure in the 2023-2024 Budget includes $13.04 million for roads, $9.74 million for bridges and $1.16 million for community facilities in addition to the maintenance budget of $11.7 million allocated for roads, $6.6 million for facilities and $4 million for parks and landscaping.

Of the more than 50 individual submissions received by Council during the budget community engagement process, 15 sought consideration for capital investment in new or upgraded sporting and recreational infrastructure.

The development of a Sports and Recreation Plan and a Sports Infrastructure Review, which will provide an audit of facilities and their use, will help Council to ensure facilities are maintained and meet the region's growing sporting and recreational needs.

"In response to calls from the community for an extension to the swimming season at Council's public pools, a report will be prepared outlining what will need to be taken into account in considering any changes to the current arrangements," Mayor Christensen said.

Improved transport infrastructure and Council's Vibrant and Active Towns and Villages programs were the focus of 10 submissions during the budget community consultation.

Improvements to the business centres and streetscapes of Canungra and Kalbar, which are becoming popular destinations for visitors, have been supported in Council's 2023-2024 Budget with funding of $225,000 for the planning of revitalisation projects .

Concept designs for a range of improvements proposed for Tamborine Mountain's Gallery Walk are also set to progress in 2023-2024, along with additional stages of the Beaudesert Town Centre Revitalisation Project.

"All of these projects will contribute to economic outcomes as well as creating a sense of place in our communities," Mayor Christensen said.

Calls for increased levels of service to address environmental issues have prompted the creation of two new positions in Council's workforce, a Biosecurity Officer and a Biodiversity Officer.

"In response to community feedback, Council has also allocated $35,000 towards progressing the development of a business case for the Water for Warrill irrigation project, which aims to provide Scenic Rim producers with more secure and reliable sources of water," Mayor Christensen said.

The need for Council's ongoing investment in tourism and economic development was also identified as a priority during the budget community consultation.

"Council has continued its commitment to the local tourism organisations by including a direct contribution of $95,000 in this year's budget," Mayor Christensen said.