Review creates a fresh canvas for arts consultative group

Image from cover of Arts Reference Group Terms of Reference

Updated terms of reference will bring new perspectives to the consultative group which works with Council to enrich the cultural life of the Scenic Rim.

At its Ordinary Meeting this week, Council endorsed new terms of reference for the Scenic Rim Arts Reference Group, whose volunteer community members support the delivery of arts and cultural programs throughout the region.

Scenic Rim Arts Reference Group Chair Cr Michael Enright said that, since its establishment in 2016, the group had played an important role in the region’s cultural life by celebrating its heritage and identity and promoting creative excellence.

This includes delivering the Scenic Rim’s Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Program, with funding of $39,500 by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland matched by Council’s contribution of $30,500 for a range of cultural projects.

New terms of reference will see improvements to the assessment of applications for projects under RADF and changes to the group’s membership to ensure fresh perspectives continue to be brought to the table.

Cr Enright said the changes to the Big Idea Community Grant, which will see funding rounds reduced from two to one round per year, should be regarded as a positive move enabling larger amounts to be allocated for particular projects and for a greater number of projects to be supported at one time.

Under its new terms of reference, the refreshed Scenic Rim Arts Reference Group is expected to commence in July/August 2023, following a call for expression of interest being conducted in the coming months, that will appoint seven members. The current members are welcome to re-apply.

Cr Enright paid tribute to the nine current Arts Reference Group members Ailsa Rolley, Brendan Knight, Janine Gibson, Jeremy Ring, Pietro Agnoletto, Shane O’Reilly, Stuart Murray, Susan Rallings and Susan Short for their contribution.

“It’s important to recognise the expertise and commitment of our volunteer members of the community who have assisted since the formation of the Arts Reference Group,” he said.

“Particularly in my term, and almost three years as being Chair, it’s been a delight to work with the members of our community who are so willing to give of their skills and expertise to assisting our arts and cultural sectors of our community to grow.”