Council seeks additional funding for Teviotville Road repairs

Teviotville rd 1056 ch100m p1 1

Scenic Rim Regional Council has applied to the Queensland Reconstruction Authority for Betterment funding to improve the proposed reconstruction of Teviotville Road. 

While minor works have been carried out, including drainage upgrades to improve the flow of stormwater, and repairs to potholes on the most damaged sections of the road continue to progress, further construction has been postponed until early 2023 due to ongoing wet weather. 

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said Council had used the halt to the works, which were necessitated by previously declared disaster events, to apply for funding to achieve an even better outcome for the region. 

"A successful Betterment funding application would enable Council to rebuild this essential public asset to a more resilient standard, with a wider scope of works to improve its lifespan and ability to withstand the impact of future natural disasters," he said. 

"This would mean we could aim for an improved outcome, although this could potentially mean a short delay to the commencement of works, pending weather and conditions.

"In the meantime, works have been reprogrammed to January next year to ensure all relevant resources are available to complete the intended works.”

The Teviotville Road reconstruction is supported by the jointly-funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements, administered by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority

Pending weather conditions, the works are expected to take five months to complete.

"Council understands the frustration experienced by road users, given the current condition of Teviotville Road, and I want to assure the community that our crews have, and will, continue to progress this significant program of works,” Mayor Christensen said.

The next 18 months will see further restoration works carried out across the region on sections of sealed and unsealed roads, following Queensland Reconstruction Authority approval.

"I ask residents to drive to the conditions and, if possible, seek an alternative route, especially during wet weather, and thank the community for its patience and understanding during this time,” Mayor Christensen said.