Proposed amendment to consider environmental matters
A range of environmental matters and the protection of the Scenic Rim's water resource catchments will be addressed in a proposed major amendment to the Planning Scheme.
At its Ordinary Meeting yesterday, Council resolved to commence an amendment to the Scenic Rim Planning Scheme 2020, in line with the Planning Act 2016, as the first step to progressing the proposed Scenic Rim Planning Scheme Amendment Number 6.
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said amendments were vital in ensuring that the Planning Scheme remained relevant and continued to evolve in response to emerging issues and changing community priorities.
"This amendment will review, update and address emerging issues within the Planning Scheme’s policies on Matters of Environmental Significance and Water Resource Catchments," he said.
"The Planning Scheme includes Matters of Environmental Significance at local, state and national levels including World Heritage Areas, wetlands of international importance, nationally threatened and endangered species, koala habitat, wetlands and watercourses in areas of high ecological value and vegetated areas that are home to endangered or vulnerable species.
"It also needs to consider the influence of climate change and the resilience of the environment ahead of new urban growth and residential development.
"Work is already under way to consider how local habitat corridors and linkages will inform the Planning Scheme's policy on locally significant plants, animals and ecosystems."
The proposed amendment to the Planning Scheme will also investigate whether the current Water Resource Catchment Policy is fit-for-purpose and meets community expectations.
This follows a Ministerial request to consider Water Resource Catchment advice from Seqwater following the adoption of the Planning Scheme in 2020.
"Council is also committed to investigating options for water tanks to provide increased water storage capacity for residential developments within the rural and rural residential zones that do not have reticulated water," Mayor Christensen said.
Council's Strategic Planning and Biodiversity and Climate Change teams will work together to prepare the amendment, in consultation with the Departments of State Development, Local Government, Infrastructure and Planning; Environment and Science; Resources; and Agriculture and Fisheries and Seqwater to ensure a seamless State Interest Review process.
On the endorsement of Council, following the State Interest Review and Ministerial approval, the amendment will be offered for community consultation for at least 20 business days.
Following community consultation, which may extend to two rounds, the amendment is expected to be finalised by mid to late 2024.
"This amendment will ensure that further growth in our region is informed by the updated environmental policy and information, contributing to the protection and enhancement of the natural attributes for which the Scenic Rim is renowned," Mayor Christensen said.