Roadmap and action plan chart course for region's strong economic growth

Rodericks Dairy

A 10-year roadmap and three-year action plan for the Scenic Rim's agribusiness and agritourism industry will provide the foundation for a stronger economy and continued growth through sustainable development and industry diversification.

Adopted by Council at its recent Ordinary Meeting, the Scenic Rim Agribusiness and Agritourism 10-Year Roadmap 2022-2032 and Scenic Rim Agribusiness and Agritourism Three-Year Action Plan 2022-2025 will support the continued growth of the region's key industries of tourism and agriculture which contribute more than $400 million annually to the local economy and employ more than 4,000 locals.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said that while the Scenic Rim has a vibrant and growing tourism sector, traditional agricultural activities remained the backbone of the local economy, with vegetable production, cattle and dairy farming the key industries.

"While much has been achieved, there are still obstacles to growth and innovation to be overcome as Scenic Rim growers and producers, as well as the wider business community, have suffered the impacts of drought, bushfire, floods and the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

"Through these challenges we have never lost sight of our vision for the future by building a stronger and more resilient local economy.

"The roadmap and action plan identify the role Council can play and where we can work in partnership with the business community and other levels of government to achieve our goals."

Minister for Employment and Small Business Di Farmer welcomed the release of the roadmap and action plan and looked forward to seeing the region reap the benefits.

"The Queensland Government recently released the Good People. Good Jobs: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2032, which set local solutions as one of the five focus areas and highlighted the important role agriculture plays in our economy and our future," Minister Farmer said.

"With a range of small business support programs, flexible funding to train new or existing workers with cutting edge skills and other assistance available we are keen to see individuals, businesses and communities take advantage of the opportunities they see to improve and grow.

"Working with Scenic Rim Regional Council and all the local stakeholders to ensure existing and new businesses and agritourism operators have the right conditions to grow over the coming years will create jobs and other economic activity to keep these communities thriving."

The seeds of the roadmap and action plan were sown in January 2020, when a group of primary producers approached Council to support their vision for future growth.

This prompted Council to explore opportunities for grant funding, securing $100,000 under the jointly-funded Commonwealth-State Queensland Bushfire 2019 Category C Flexible Funding Program administered by the Department of Communities to restore and grow the region’s agri-food and agritourism sectors through a business development program.

Council secured a further $150,000 through the jointly-funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements Category C Go Local Marketing Campaign administered by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training for a second phase of the program, including the development and implementation of the roadmap and action plan.

Division 3 Councillor Virginia West said the development of the roadmap and action plan is a project of regional significance made possible by the grant funding Council was able to attract.

Division 6 Councillor Duncan McInnes said PricewaterhouseCoopers Australia (PwC) was engaged after Council invited submissions from industry specialists to deliver the project to guide and drive growth and innovation in agribusiness and agritourism.

"Across our region we have seen instances where agriculture alone doesn’t create sustainable income for producers, so a roadmap and action plan to support industry diversification will help to grow our agribusiness and agritourism sectors," he said.

Recognising that a successful strategy relies on business and community input and ownership, Council has consulted with stakeholders during the past 10 months and feedback helped refine the roadmap and action plan developed by PwC in conjunction with Council.

Division 5 Councillor Marshall Chalk said the roadmap aims to harness the Scenic Rim's unique development potential and provide agribusiness and agritourism operators with a strategic direction to overcome barriers to future growth.

“Council’s adoption of the roadmap and action plan should be welcomed by agricultural and horticultural producers, industry suppliers and those in the agritourism industry. The broader Scenic Rim community will also reap the rewards of improved economic outcomes and employment opportunities," he said.

While the roadmap outlines 11 objectives aligned with building the capacity of the industry sector, 17 initiatives developed in consultation with the local community are supported by 48 specific and measurable actions detailed in the action plan.

"Although we will always welcome new investors, it is important to remember that, as most growth comes from the existing economy, we need to support businesses as they continue to innovate, expand and diversify," Mayor Christensen said.

"We know that many businesses are facing challenges outside our control, with inflation, rising interest rates and insurance premiums as well as a tight labour market but, as Council, we will continue to advocate for our region.

"Where we can make a difference, we will."

The 10-year roadmap and three-year action plan can be viewed here.