Council's Shop Scenic Rim gift card program to keep money local

Ian and Margie Douglas from the Lime Caviar Company, Mayor Greg Christensen, Jill Gray from the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training, and Peter Maddock from the Office of the Queensland Small Business Commissioner

Scenic Rim Regional Council is supporting local businesses and the regional economy with the launch of Shop Scenic Rim, a gift card program that will encourage people to shop locally. 

Jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements, the program will enable residents and visitors to purchase gift cards that will be redeemable in participating local businesses. 

Shop Scenic Rim gift cards will be available in participating local businesses for purchase and redemption from mid-June 2022.  

Mayor Greg Christensen said the innovative program will keep money circulating within the local community.  

“We are inviting local businesses to participate in the Shop Scenic Rim program, and we also encourage locals and visitors to support the program by purchasing gift cards and spending locally," he said. 

Using an EFTPOS-based system, shoppers will be able to purchase Shop Scenic Rim gift cards at several local businesses, and online. These cards can then be used just like a normal EFTPOS card for purchases at participating businesses within the Scenic Rim. 

"Consumers are well versed in giving and using gift cards in retail and other settings,” Mayor Greg Christensen said. 

"Shop Scenic Rim cards are an easy gift-giving option, and the cards could also be used as an option for raffles, competitions or incentive rewards in the workplace – all with the added bonus of keeping the money local."  

A 'Go Local, Grow Local' Partnership Program is a key deliverable of Council's Regional Prosperity Strategy 2020-2025, which supports the vision shared by Council and our community, for a region that enjoys a sustainable and prosperous economy. Establishing this program was thankfully accelerated by the government's funding support. 

Appropriately, the program was launched on Friday, 20 May at the Business Breakfast held during Queensland Small Business Month, a four-week program celebrating small businesses and highlighting the importance of the business sector to the state’s economy.  

Mayor Greg Christensen said that the Council is fully committed to driving the success of the Shop Scenic Rim program. 

"The key to a successful community-based program is engagement and collaboration with local businesses,” he said.   

“We have many local businesses ready to go and we have collateral and marketing plans in place to support the program’s initial success as well as its longevity in the region,” he said.  

The Shop Scenic Rim program, in partnership with Council, will be coordinated by Why Leave Town Promotions, who first launched this concept in 2010 and have seen programs implemented in over 70 different communities across 160+ post codes. During the last ten years more than 165,000 gift cards have been sold, helping to inject over $12 million into local communities. 

Modelling conducted using the .id economic impact model indicates that every $500,000 spent within retail businesses supports five local jobs. Additionally, the ‘multiplier’ effect, meaning that money initially spent in local businesses will continue to circulate locally, can see a $100 spend having an $180 impact on the local economy.   

For more information about the Shop Scenic Rim program, or to register, contact the Scenic Rim Regional Prosperity team at or 07 5540 5111. 

To read more about Queensland Small Business Month visit 

The Regional Prosperity Strategy 2020-2025 can be found here.  

Image: Ian and Margie Douglas from the Lime Caviar Company, Mayor Greg Christensen, Jill Gray from the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training, and Peter Maddock from the Office of the Queensland Small Business Commissioner at the Scenic Rim Business Breakfast on 20 May 2022