A call-out for community feedback on flying-fox impacts in the Scenic Rim

Image of flying fox roost

Scenic Rim residents and community groups impacted by flying-fox roosts are invited to have their say during a review of the existing Flying-Fox Management Strategy. 

Scenic Rim Regional Council is seeking to understand concerns that residents and/or community groups might be experiencing due to close proximity of flying-fox roosts and foraging areas within the Scenic Rim Urban Flying-Fox Management Area. This might include noise, odour and/or property damage.  

Mayor Greg Christensen said community feedback was a crucial part of the review. 

“Council's Flying-Fox Management Strategy was developed in 2015 in response to changes to the Nature Conservation Act 1992. Since 2015, Council has undertaken a series of actions to respond to the impact of flying-foxes on the community in a reactive format,” he said. 

“Since then, newer technologies and developing scientific theory has provided us with greater scope and more effective ways to respond to human/flying-fox conflict. 

“We want to hear the community's experiences as part of the review. Following consultation, we can then create clearer provisions regarding Council's management of problematic sites. This includes developing new support services for impacted private properties.” 

Flying-foxes contribute significantly to the environment through their roles as pollinators and seed dispersers of native forests however large roosts in urban areas can create conflict due to their noise, smell and mess. 

The community are invited to share their experiences with local flying-fox roosts and ideas for creating better cohabitation between flying-foxes and humans on the Let’s Talk digital engagement platform. 

Have your say by joining the community panel Let's Talk. The consultation period is open between 4 April – 15 May.