Council releases budgeted new initiatives

Scenic Rim Regional Council Councillors adopted the 2021-2022 Budget at a Special Meeting today.

Today Council has released detailed information and cost of new initiatives arising in the 2021-2022 Budget.

Mayor Greg Christensen said the move to make this information publicly available was endorsed in a majority vote at the Special Budget Meeting on Thursday 24 June.

"The release of this information is a great step in our commitment to be more open and transparent with our community," he said.

"Under historical budget processes, including pre-amalgamation, the initiatives were typically built into budgets and not always transparently identified for Councillors, or the community.

"We now have more information on these new initiatives, which are business improvements, new services or an increase to an existing level of service that Council provides.

"Importantly, the initiatives are intrinsically linked to strategy and to support activities approved by resolution of Council or required by legislation.

"I'm pleased that we've been able to deliver this information to the community within the 14 business days as outlined in the Council resolution."

The 2021-2022 Budget New Initiative is available on Council's website

The resolution of Council on 24 June was that Council would 'release to the public within 14 days, the new administrative initiatives contained within this budget and the cost of those initiatives and that in the instance where these new initiatives contain information which is commercial and in confidence, the costs thereof be excluded from the list'.