Working together to advance the Scenic Rim's digital future
From today, community members can provide feedback on the Scenic Rim's first-ever Smart Region Strategy.
Mayor Greg Christensen said the draft Smart Region Strategy focuses on the future leveraging technology, innovation and data to build resilience and a sustainable future.
"The strategy will support the region's businesses and community to embrace the changing global digital trends," he said.
"Having a clear plan will help advance our economy, attract investment, build prosperity and improve our communities' lives and lifestyles.
"However the strategy will only be successful if the goals and direction are shared, so it's important that feedback is captured.
"The draft strategy was developed following consultation with sections of local businesses and internal stakeholders, and we are now encouraging the broader community to provide their feedback."
The Smart Region Strategy is outlined in Council's 2020-2021 Operational Plan and is an action within the Scenic Rim Regional Prosperity Strategy 2020-2025. The development of the draft has been made possible through funding from the Australian Government through the Building Better Regions Fund.
The draft Smart Region Strategy is available on the Have your say page of Council's website, or hard copies can be accessed at the Council Customer Service and Administration Centres.
Community members have until Friday 21 May to provide feedback on the strategy.
For more information on the strategy and how to provide feedback, visit