Community consultation to formalise the name of the Tamborine Mountain Botanic Gardens

Tamborine Mountain Botanic Gardens

Tamborine Mountain Botanic Gardens

Scenic Rim residents will have an opportunity to have their say on the formal naming of the Tamborine Mountain Botanic Gardens.

Council committed in its Naming of Roads and Places Policy to ensure there was public consultation in the naming or renaming of existing roads and places.

In September 2020, the Tamborine Mountain Botanic Gardens Inc (the Association) informed Council of its desire to change the name of the Gardens to the "Tamborine Mountain Regional Botanic Gardens in the Scenic Rim".

In November 2020, Council tabled an e-petition with 250 signatures opposing the proposal to change the name of the Gardens.

At today's Ordinary Meeting a report was presented detailing the request from the Association, clarifying that as the owner of the land Council is responsible for its naming, and confirming that the Gardens have not been previously formally named by Council.

The Tamborine Mountain Botanic Gardens were established in 1983 by volunteers in consultation with the then Beaudesert Shire Council, and that name has been used colloquially since.

The report said that, "the Association [that manages the Gardens] has a strong desire for the Gardens to be a truly regional gardens. That the Gardens are registered as a regional Botanic Gardens with Botanic Gardens Australia and New Zealand, hence the inclusion of regional within the naming convention".

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said the community will be invited to provide comment on the formal naming of the Gardens and will be able to indicate which name they prefer.

"As we did in 2020 for the Geissmann Oval, Council will advertise in local papers asking for community feedback on the formal naming of the Gardens, supported by an online survey to be released on Council's website," he said.

The community consultation period will be open for four weeks once the online survey is distributed.

Feedback can also be sent to Council by post or email quoting "Tamborine Mountain Botanic Gardens".

Post to: Scenic Rim Regional Council, 82 Brisbane Street, Beaudesert Q 4285

Email to: