Remote Cameras Give Clearer Picture of Drainage Network


In a first for Scenic Rim Regional Council, smart technology and closed circuit television cameras are being deployed to provide a clearer picture of the condition of some 30 kilometres of underground stormwater drainage pipes.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said the increased capability and affordability of new technology and software was delivering greater efficiencies for the community and enhancing management of the stormwater drainage network.

"Engineers can't design improvements to the system until they have an accurate assessment of its condition," he said.

"Previously, visual inspections were carried out by a contractor who recorded information on paper. Now, with the use of a mobile tablet and web application or app, data can be seamlessly and accurately imported into a computer software program via the Cloud, saving time and money and providing the most up-to-date and reliable information about our underground infrastructure assets."

During the current trial of the technology in Beaudesert, drainage pits are being inspected by GPS-enabled smart devices and stormwater pipes are being examined by remote-controlled closed circuit television cameras which record high quality images to inform Council of potential maintenance issues such as cracked or blocked pipes.

The use of GPS is also helping Council to update its asset register, accurately measuring the distance of pipe between each drainage pit which is recorded in Council's Geographical Information System (GIS) mapping software.

"With GPS connectivity, we are also able to confirm the exact location of the underground network, which was previously assessed manually from above ground," Cr Christensen said.

The success of the trial of the technology around Beaudesert in recent weeks will see it rolled out across the region later this year.


"We are now only weeks away from the completion of the stormwater pit and pipe inspections within the Beaudesert area, which equates to a total length equivalent to the distance between Beaudesert and Boonah as the crow flies," Cr Christensen said.

"Council will then continue to assess the remainder of the region's stormwater infrastructure network using the same process.

"Sound management of our stormwater infrastructure ensures our towns are more resilient to wet weather events."