Council's Fresh Approach for the Future of the Scenic Rim
A refreshed organisational structure and re-focus for Scenic Rim Regional Council will foster renewed leadership and accountability, promoting an efficient, productive and team-focused workforce and improved support for the Scenic Rim community.
Mayor Greg Christensen today announced a transformation of the organisational structure which will better align Council roles and responsibilities with the community vision to improve the delivery of services and infrastructure.
“Ten years on from amalgamation and on the cusp of a new Planning Scheme - the first for the Scenic Rim region - it was time to take a fresh look at our structure and operations to ensure we continue to meet the needs of the community and our staff,” he said.
"Following the 2016 election, Council began a review with the then Chief Executive Officer of both our strategic direction and organisational alignment.
"The flood events of 2017 led us to put on hold that process and focus on recovery efforts.
"With some changes in senior staff and the arrival of our new CEO in March this year, it was timely to re-focus on the structural review. The CEO has completed a wide-ranging review and presented an organisational design.
“Our new organisational structure is now closely aligned with our community vision, and has been designed around the key themes that already flow through our Community, Corporate and Operational Plans.
“We’ve always been blessed to have a wonderful and dedicated workforce at Scenic Rim Regional Council and now, with a recently appointed Chief Executive Officer on board, the time is right to lead this change.
"This will ensure that staff can be confident that they have the support, guidance and structures they need to continue to grow and develop.”
Chief Executive Officer Jon Gibbons has welcomed Council’s endorsement of a refreshed structure and looked forward to the positive benefits it will bring to the organisation and the Scenic Rim community.
“While the last significant review of our organisational structure was at amalgamation in 2008, the Scenic Rim region has continued to advance and mature over the past 10 years," he said.
"It was clear that the community needed an agile, modern and efficient workforce to meet its needs and expectations.
“Council’s new structure is designed to ensure our focus is always on delivering for our customer. This will be achieved through four key themes and related portfolios - People, Customer, Delivery and Assurance.
“It was also important to create a dynamic and rewarding workplace that has the ability to adapt and cater for change.
"This structure will ensure Council will continue to retain and recruit the best possible workforce, and ensure we’re ready to meet the future needs of the Scenic Rim community.”
Council is not expecting any redundancies as part of the implementation of the new organisational structure.
Council's immediate focus will be on working with staff to communicate these changes and ensure a smooth transition as existing roles are realigned and staff are recruited for vacancies within the new structure.