
Scenic Rim Regional Council Local Disaster Management Group has moved to ALERT status this morning, Tuesday 17 March, in relation to the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Yesterday Council executives, managers and key personnel met to assess and review the risks related to COVID-19 and Council's employees, operations and its communities.

Current key information for our communities includes:

  • Postponement of Scenic Rim Planning Scheme 2020 presentations: Scenic Rim Council is postponing the two sessions scheduled for today at 3.30pm and at 6.30pm at Beaudesert. In the interest of public safety, and deemed a non-essential event, Council is able to offer the following alternatives to field Planning Scheme 2020 enquiries, via telephone for simple questions, meet a planner at the Beaudesert Customer Service Centre to discuss broader aspects of the scheme, or request private sessions for individuals or businesses.
  • Postponement of Get Savvy events: Scenic Rim Regional Council is postponing its Get Savvy events scheduled for Boonah this Wednesday 18 March and Beaudesert next Wednesday 25 March. The decision follows Friday's advice from the National Cabinet (made up of the Prime Minister, Premiers and Chief Ministers) to stop non-essential, organised public gatherings of more than 500 people. The advice is precautionary and designed to reduce community transmission of COVID-19 in Australia. While the Get Savvy events may not attract more than 500 people, many of the health providers scheduled to attend have withdrawn, based on their own preventative measures to manage the potential risks of COVID-19 transmission. In addition, many attendees to this event are considered to be in the high-risk category, and their health and safety is our absolute priority.
  • Review of public events: Council is reviewing events within the region, including those which Council may be sponsoring or supporting, and specifically all events scheduled at Council-controlled facilities, including parks, libraries and event centres.  We understand some events are likely to be below the 500+ threshold and, considering other factors such as non-essential events and avoiding large gatherings by social distancing, many may not be impacted at this stage. However, we will announce any cancellations, postponements or other measures in line with the latest advice as soon as possible.
  • Eat Local Week: The 10th anniversary of Eat Local Week is scheduled to be held across the region in just over 100 days' time, from 27 June to 5 July. It is shaping up to be the best and biggest ever program of small and large events to celebrate and showcase the region's food, farming and fabulous producers. With many of our producers and tourism operators already impacted by drought and bushfires, we are acutely aware of the importance of Eat Local Week and the Winter Harvest Festival in bringing people to the region to raise awareness of and promote all we have to offer. We are working closely with the many operators, stallholders and event organisers who make up this event and will have further advice in the near future.
  • Council Customer Service Centres: Residents who are limiting their outside activities can make enquiries via Council's Customer Service Centres between 8:30am and 4:30pm on 07 5540 5111. This line is also monitored 24/7 for any emergencies.  Information will also be shared on Council's Facebook page and Disaster Management Dashboard.
  • Council Operations: In terms of Council's services, at this stage there is no disruption, however Council will monitor this on an ongoing basis and will communicate any impacts to our communities.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen and Chair of the Local Disaster Management Group said it was important for everyone to do their bit to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19.

"We encourage people across our communities to continue practising good hygiene and to exercise personal responsibility for social distancing measures as they go about their day-to-day activities," Cr Christensen said.

"In particular, we are encouraging residents to monitor Queensland Health's website, as the lead health agency for the State, for all the latest information about COVID-19.

"We will continue to monitor the advice being provided by the Chief Health Officers from the Australian and Queensland Governments and will take every precaution necessary to assist the region in dealing with the effects of COVID-19.

"We urge you to protect yourselves by avoiding large gatherings, use common sense, stay calm and please cooperate with the advice of health authorities.

"During this unprecedented time, the health, safety and wellbeing of employees, residents, ratepayers and our broader communities is of utmost importance."

Council will continue to communicate any changes to Council operations, programs and services.

Queensland Health COVID-19 information