Scenic Rim Regional Council has adopted a new policy to improve the delivery of a program which aims to plant one million natives trees throughout the region by 2025.
Council's One Million Trees Program Policy reflects the shared Community Plan vision for the Scenic Rim as a region known for its spectacular scenery and natural environment and supports the preservation and enhancement of the region's unique biodiversity.
Mayor Greg Christensen said the program comprised four initiatives - Rural Trees, River Trees, Community Trees and Habitat Trees and has seen the planting of more than 300,000 trees by schools, community groups, local organisations and rural landowners since its commencement in 2015.
"This financial year the One Million Trees Program has received more than 90 requests for plants between the Rural, Community, River and Habitat initiatives and in total more than 47,000 trees have been provided under the program and partnerships in 2018-19," he said.
"River Trees is the newest initiative and proving popular throughout the region with private property owners requesting plants which achieve bank stabilisation and protect valuable topsoil for agricultural uses, helping to maintain water quality. The restoration of riparian vegetation also helps to establish corridors for native wildlife.
"Interest in the River Trees initiative is expected to grow along with increased public awareness of river systems and initiatives being undertaken by organisations including the Council of Mayors South East Queensland."
Council's 2019-20 Budget includes $50,000 to support the One Million Trees Program in the next financial year.
"Planting just one tree is a simple way to enhance our environment, however planting one million trees has the ability to create real environmental change," Cr Christensen said.
"Although our region is home to many large national parks, much of the native habitat in the Scenic Rim is found on private property so maintaining our natural values is very much a partnership between Council and members of the community."