Landowners, schools and community groups working in partnership with Scenic Rim Regional Council to enhance the natural environment will benefit from $103,000 in Council's 2019-20 Budget.
Mayor Greg Christensen said Council was proud to partner with the community to help preserve and enhance the region's natural values in line with the Scenic Rim shared Community Plan vision.
"Our Environmental Grants Program represents an investment by Council in conserving and enhancing some of our region's most valuable natural assets, our spectacular scenery and healthy environment," he said.
"It also supports our Biodiversity Strategy which recognises the importance of the ecological balance which is vital for the Scenic Rim's key industries of tourism and agriculture.
"Although our region is home to many large national parks, much of the remaining native habitat in the Scenic Rim is found on private property, so the conservation of native plants and wildlife and the maintenance of healthy ecosystems is very much a community effort."
Council's 2019-20 Environmental Grants Program provides funding for projects that work to improve wildlife habitat, control weeds to improve habitat, conserve native wildlife and provide community education and awareness programs.
Environmental grants in previous years have helped members of the Scenic Rim community to protect endangered species such as the bristlebird, glossy black cockatoo and koala as well as vegetation including the region's unique brigalow scrub and native macadamia trees.
"Landowners can make a significant contribution to the conservation and enhancement of our natural environment simply by maintaining natural habitats on private property," Cr Christensen said.
"Across the region, more than 300 Land for Wildlife agreements are maintaining habitats for native animals on more than 12,000 hectares of private property."
As well as protecting existing habitats, Council is working to enhance the environment, allocating $50,500 to its Million Trees Program in 2019-20.
Cr Christensen said Council was committed to an ambitious plan to plant one million native trees throughout the Scenic Rim by 2025.
"Planting just one tree is a simple way to enhance our environment, however planting one million trees has the ability to create real environmental change," he said.
"I also urge all ratepayers to make use of their free tree vouchers which are sent out with rates notices to help make a difference, beginning with their own back yards."
Applications for Council's environmental grants are now open and close on Friday 12 July, 2019.
For more information visit scenicrim.qld.gov.au or call 5540 5111.