Council launches biodiversity initiative for local koalas

In response to the growing threats faced by endangered koala populations, Council has launched the Saving koalas through community action in the Scenic Rim project. The project will inform future conservation efforts by generating needed information about koalas, their genetics and diseases they suffer from.
As part of the project, Council has engaged trained community volunteers to find, identify, and collect wild koala scat (poo) samples from across the Scenic Rim.
Ecologists OWAD Environment have been helping by using specially trained koala scat detection dogs in natural areas around the region. And environmental conservation organisation Watergum are also supporting Council by collecting scat samples from public lands, road reserves, and private properties. Even the Department of Defence are helping! .
Community members not involved in scat collection can participate in the ‘Great Koala Patrol’ by reporting koala sightings to Council, thereby contributing valuable information about koalas in the region and aiding Council’s Biodiversity officers in their conservation efforts. Council and Watergum may even be able to collect koala scat samples from koalas we are notified about to help with the project.
To report a koala sighting, please fill out the form available on Council’s website, or contact Watergum via email or on 0478 929 987.
The scat samples collected during this project will be analysed at a laboratory and tested for diseases like chlamydia and koala retrovirus which will provide important information about the health of the region’s koala population.
A report will then be provided to Council which will help inform future decisions about koala conversation in the Scenic Rim.
Council encourages all community members to participate in this crucial initiative to ensure the survival and recovery of the region’s cherished koala populations.
This project received grant funding from the Australian Government under the Saving Koalas Fund.