Rathdowney Playground Upgrades

Rathdowney Park

Revitilisation works to the playground at the Rathdowney Memorial Grounds Park so far includes:

  • New playground equipment
  • Improved drainage
  • Fresh coat of paint
  • New picnic shelter, shade, interactive play tower, slide and swing set (on their way!).

Works are anticipated to finish in full by mid-October*.

Collins Park is also receiving some TLC, so far including:

  • New picnic shelter
  • New turf and topsoil
  • Additional concrete kerb
  • Footpath repairs
  • Re-planting and mulching (also on the way!).

Works are anticipated to finish in full by the end of September*.

The Rathdowney Memorial Grounds Park Playground Upgrade and the Collins Park Garden Redevelopment projects are a joint initiative of Scenic Rim Regional Council and the Queensland Government.

*Weather and conditions permitting.

Read more about Council-funded works happening across the region here: https://www.scenicrim.qld.gov.au/council-services/infrastructure