Infrastructure update details Scenic Rim's long road to recovery
The opening of Head Road in December 2023 was a milestone on the Scenic Rim's road to recovery.
Scenic Rim Regional Council's delivery of works to restore essential infrastructure and the impacts of seven disaster events since 2019 were detailed in an update tabled at today's Ordinary Meeting.
The Infrastructure Recovery Update outlined the progress of works supported by the jointly-funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) from the 2019 bushfires to the recent severe storms and flooding.
In the wake of large-scale damage in the Scenic Rim's east following the Christmas-New Year storms the mammoth task of clearing of disaster vegetation from Council-controlled road reserves was completed at the end of January before moving to the collection tonnes of disaster vegetation directly impacting private residences.
As at 24 January, 855 emergency damage works had been carried out by teams at 189 points across the Scenic Rim road network. Inspections had also been carried out across 466 kilometres of Council's unsealed road network and assessments are continuing.
Scenic Rim's Active Transport, Roads Bridges and Paths Portfolio Councillor Virginia West said the recovery update highlighted the severity of the impact of a series of disasters on the region.
"Council has shared the frustration of the community with the recovery process as funding approvals have progressed and approved works have been delayed by ongoing wet weather and subsequent disaster events," she said.
"Importantly we are continuing to move forward on what has been a long road to recovery."
While DRFA works have now been completed following the bushfires of September to December 2019 and the extreme wet weather event during December 2020, Council is continuing to work with the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) to restore vital infrastructure across the Scenic Rim following other declared disasters.
Progress has continued following QRA approval in January 2022 of emergency works following the southern Queensland severe weather event of March 2021.
Designs of floodway replacements at Cainbable Creek Road and Snake Gully Creek Road have been completed and Council has already procured the box culverts for the floodways to avoid supply delays during construction.
Betterment funding will support works at Geiger Road floodway and the design of landslip remediation projects at Philp Mountain Road and Flanagan Reserve Road have been completed.
Emergency works following flooding between 10 November and 3 December 2021 saw damage repaired at 722 sites.
Works to repair a landslip at Black Gully Road have been approved and a design is to be finalised for Tartar Creek floodway.
A total of 2076 repairs to damage following the flooding between 22 February and 5 April 2022 were completed in emergency works by late May 2022.
A submission for works at The Shelf Road has been lodged by Council and approved by QRA with onsite geotechnical investigations completed in November 2023 enabling the design to be finalised.
Detailed designs have been finalised for eight of 11 landslips - Black Gully Road, Christmas Creek Road, Knapp Creek Road, Stacey Road, Stockyard Creek Road, two sites at Tabletop Road and Wild Pig Creek Road - with designs for Price Creek Road, The Hollow Road and Upper Coomera Road progressing.
QRA has also approved submissions for works to repair a landslip on Roadvale Teviotville Road, floodways at Cryna Road, Back Creek Road and Allens Road and restoration and betterment works at Round Mountain Road.
The Teviotville Road betterment project is nearing completion with permanent signage to be installed.
A major milestone on the road to recovery was the reopening in late December 2023 of Head Road, which was damaged during flooding which impacted southern Queensland during May 2022.
This flood event required emergency works to repair damage at 490 sites and works to repair Council's sealed roads are ongoing.
Works to repair landslips at Knapp Creek Road, Wild Pig Creek Road, Beechmont Road, Cannon Creek Road, Knoll Road, Mocker Road, Philip Mountain Road and Stacey Road have all received QRA approval.
The replacement of Tamrookum Creek Road floodway has been approved and detailed design works are continuing.
Allandale Road has been approved for betterment works, with site preparations now completed.
Two unsealed road submissions have been approved with the priority gravel roads being completed and the remainder currently programmed.
"Council is grateful for the support of the Queensland Reconstruction Authority that has enabled the reinstatement of vital infrastructure across the Scenic Rim and for the patience of the community as works have continued to progress across our region," Cr West said.