New forums enhance collaboration and decision making
Scenic Rim Regional has commenced its new schedule of monthly meetings, Councillor Strategy Workshops and Briefing Sessions that will enhance information sharing, collaboration and decision making.
Now held on Wednesdays at 9am, Council's monthly Ordinary Meetings are broadcast live via a video link and topics discussed at the recently introduced Councillor Strategy Workshops and Briefing Sessions are available for viewing on the Scenic Rim Regional Council website.
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said the new meeting format had been developed in consultation with the Department of State Development, Infrastructure Local Government and Planning in line with Council's commitment to open and transparent government.
"As a Council since 2016, we have continued to focus on improving our decision-making processes and the sharing of information both for Councillors and the community," he said.
"The evolution of our Strategy Workshops, Briefing Sessions and Ordinary Meetings is the next step towards that, with a dedicated focus on the strategic landscape, which is the primary responsibility of Councillors in the modern legislative framework."
Deputy Mayor Jeff McConnell said the new meeting format has been welcomed across Council as a channel for improved communication and transparency.
"These new forums ensure that Councillors are fully informed on complex matters and are aware of officers' professional opinions and their reasoning behind intended recommendations," he said.
"Coupled with the allocation of portfolios to Councillors, the new meeting format provides greater transparency of Council meetings, a wider overview of operational matters and a sharper focus on strategic planning that we have collectively endorsed as a Council."
The Strategy Workshops provide Councillors, employees, and members of the wider community an opportunity to collaborate and develop and discuss proposals, which can assist formal decision making.
Council officers are also able to use the workshops to draft initial proposals for consideration at Council's formal meetings.
Briefing Sessions enable the Chief Executive Officer and senior Council officers to provide background information to Councillors on matters to be presented at future formal Council meetings and to address any related questions.
External stakeholders may also attend Briefing Sessions to present proposals to be considered at future formal meetings of Council.
As the Strategy Workshops and Briefing Sessions are not formal meetings of Council, no decision-making or voting takes place and there is no public gallery or livestreaming of meetings.
Topics of discussion that are not subject to confidentiality will be published on Council's website, although this will not include reports.
"The new meeting schedule and the meeting forums reflect Council's commitment to continuous improvement in delivering the highest standards of service and best possible outcomes for our community," Mayor Christensen said.
"Although the new structure will be reviewed by the incoming Council in 2024, it has been well received by employees and Councillors."