Road reconstruction to increase regional resilience

Image of Teviotville Road reconstruction

Progress of the major reconstruction of Teviotville Road at Kalbar

The much-anticipated reconstruction of Teviotville Road at Kalbar is nearing completion, following months of extensive works to increase its resilience to future flooding.

Some 4.5 kilometres of road between Old Kalbar Road and Haag Road will be improved at a cost of more than $3.12 million by November 2023, weather permitting.

Reconstruction works from Hoya Road to east of Nuhn Road were recently finalised and have now begun between Nuhn Road and Old Kalbar Road.

These include improvement of the existing road design, stabilisation of the road sub-base and a new bitumen seal to complement the drainage upgrades finished in late 2022.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said he was pleased that additional funding was secured from the Queensland Betterment Fund to enable full reconstruction of Teviotville Road.

“These funds, combined with assistance from the jointly-funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements, enabled us to achieve the best possible outcome for Teviotville Road and our region,” he said.

“Once the road has been stabilised and resealed, it will be better able to withstand future flooding.

“This project is just one example of how Council is investing in a well-maintained, safe and interconnected transport network to serve our growing population and visitors to our region.”

Scenic Rim's Roads and Bridges Portfolio Councillor Virginia West said the long-awaited works would be a welcome improvement to Council's road network.

“Teviotville Road is an important access corridor for our region and, since 2019, has been greatly affected by multiple declared disaster events,” she said.

“Extensive planning and design were undertaken prior to works commencing to ensure the best long-term solution possible for our residents.

“Thanks to the hard work of our crews, this road will soon be suitable for use in all weather conditions, for many years to come.”

Cr West also thanked residents, business owners, pedestrians and motorists for their ongoing patience during the road’s reconstruction. 

“Council acknowledges the inconvenience these works are causing for Kalbar and the wider Scenic Rim community however I'm sure that, once the works are complete, residents will agree the wait was worth it.”

This project is funded under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements’ Betterment Fund, which is jointly funded (50:50) by the Australian and Queensland governments and enables the reconstruction of public assets to a more disaster-resilient standard.