Look out for koalas looking for love during breeding season

Image of koala in tree

Koalas are on the move and so is Scenic Rim Regional Council's awareness campaign to help conserve these much-loved marsupials.

During breeding season from August to February, koalas in search of mates are at greater risk of being killed or injured by cars or drowning in backyard pools.

The Scenic Rim's Biodiversity and Agribusiness Portfolio Councillor Duncan McInnes said Council's campaign aimed to raise awareness of the threats posed to koalas and what residents can do to help safeguard local koala populations.

"Variable message signs will be placed in areas in the west of the region which have become blackspots for koalas being struck by vehicles and there will be roadside banners, signage on Council cars and an online campaign to encourage our community to look out for koalas on the move," he said.

"Through community education we hope to encourage active participation in conserving and protecting this endangered species."

Council's libraries will host koala-themed activities during the September school holidays and Scenic Rim residents and visitors will be encouraged to report koala sightings.

"By reporting koala sightings through Council's website, members of the community can provide vital information about koala populations and locations, where they cross roads and the health of koalas," Cr McInnes said.

"Council has created a free checklist for drivers to keep in their glovebox, which outlines what to do if they come across a sick or injured koala, and how to help protect koalas year-round.

"In late September, we'll be encouraging the community to take part in a 'koala census' - the South East Queensland Koala Count that will provide valuable information about our koala population."

For further information about koalas in the Scenic Rim, please visit Council's dedicated koala webpage.

Koala information hub