Council rolls out AI technology to survey local roads

Image of Ebike to used in survey of footpaths

Scenic Rim Regional Council is using leading-edge AI technology in an assessment of the local road network that will inform future works programs.

The electronic survey being carried out across the region now and in coming weeks will provide Council with an accurate picture of roads and footpaths to be prioritised for maintenance.

Scenic Rim's Roads, Bridges and Paths Portfolio Councillor Virginia West said the data collected by cameras mounted on cars and Ebikes will help determine the timing and location of Council's maintenance works.

“The data captured is displayed in an online mapping environment to show the condition of roads owned and maintained by Council," she said.

“This survey technology has been designed specifically for local government and uses AI to automatically identify and record high priority defects to help improve the safety of road users.”

Council has engaged engineering firm SHEPHERD to undertake the survey using their own Road Asset Condition Assessment System (RACAS) on both sealed and unsealed roads across the Scenic Rim.

RACAS captures high-definition images every 10 metres, with GPS and roughness data electronically producing a condition rating of the pavement while RACAS AI software automatically logs any road defects.

Council’s footpaths will also be inspected using RACAS with the camera mounted to an Ebike, enabling Council to prioritise repairs and maintenance across the Scenic Rim's 80 kilometres of pathways.

"As a priority of our Community Plan, Council is committed to delivering safe and accessible roads across our 1,750-kilometre local network," Cr West said.

“This technology takes the guesswork out of scheduling works programs and ensures we get the best value for money from our ongoing investment in our local road infrastructure."

As the RACAS survey vehicle travels at normal traffic speeds, no disruptions are anticipated to residents and motorists. Ebike inspections will be conducted at a safe speed considering pedestrians who use Council's footpaths.