One-of-a-kind playground takes fun to three new levels

Image of Cr Virginia West at Junior Chamber Park Playground Beaudesert

Cr Virginia West checks out the new play equipment at Junior Chamber Park

A playground upgrade at a popular Beaudesert park has taken fun to new heights with a three-level play space providing exciting activities for all abilities under one shaded area.

The recently completed area at Junior Chamber Park was the latest in Scenic Rim Regional Council's ongoing Playground Strategy which identifies and prioritises playgrounds requiring replacement or upgrading to meet community needs and contemporary standards.

Division 3 Councillor Virginia West, who visited the park following the completion of works, said the new play area would be welcomed by families in the Beaudesert and wider community.

"Upgraded to modern standards, it provides inclusive play equipment for all children," she said.

The three-level play space is covered by a shade sail and includes a toddler seat, classic swing seat and bird's nest seat for children of all ages and abilities.

The height of the bird's nest seat allows for easy transfer from a wheelchair or walker and users can choose to sit, lie or stand on the swing.

"This one-of-a-kind play space includes three levels of exciting activities in one impressive unit enabling children to experience high and low-level play," Cr West said.

"Sliding, swinging and testing climbing skills assists children's physical development and helps to improve their balance and coordination.

"The new concrete footpath which connects to the new shared footpath from Brooklands Drive to Kingsley Drive also provides space for young children to learn to ride a scooter or bike - under the supervision of parents or carers, of course."

Council's Parks, Gardens and Open Spaces Portfolio Councillor Amanda Hay said the playground's upgrade had made the Junior Chamber Park a more appealing and family-friendly community facility.

"New equipment and improved accessibility have provided even more opportunities for children to be physically active, which plays an important part in health and wellbeing," she said.