Key infrastructure projects account for $23.94 million in Council's budget

Image of roadworks

Scenic Rim Regional Council is continuing its investment in the region's road network

A total of $23.94 million has been allocated to improving roads, bridges, footpaths and drainage across the Scenic Rim from a total of $34.754 million of capital expenditure in Council's 2023-2024 Budget.
Capital expenditure of $13.045 million on roads will include $4.8 million to commence the first stage of works at Veresdale Road to improve drainage and widen and strengthen the road in line with the culvert crossing on Mount Lindesay Highway.
Works scheduled for Kerry Road, to complete works near the recently installed Spring Creek Bridge, have been allocated $1.05 million.
Mayor Greg Christensen said Council's continuing investment in the region's 1800-kilometre local road network reflected community expectations.
"Our network of roads and bridges not only connects our communities but also plays a key role in driving our regional economy," he said.
More than $9.74 million will be invested in bridges across the Scenic Rim in 2023-2024.
Subject to successful funding under the Australian Government's Bridges Renewal Program, Council will replace Hinchcliffe and Kengoon Bridges, both of which were earmarked for replacement in previous years' budgets but were deferred due to cost increases.
Council has allocated $1.13 million in its 2023-2024 Budget to maintaining and rehabilitating more than 60 timber bridges to ensure they continue to meet required standards of safety and serviceability.
"The renewal of our bridges will be welcomed, not only by Scenic Rim residents but also the growing number of visitors to our region who are vital to our local economy," Mayor Christensen said.
"Well maintained transport infrastructure offers improved safety for road users and increased productivity for industry, particularly our agricultural and tourism industries."
Tamborine Mountain residents and visitors to the Scenic Rim will benefit from the construction of a 600-metre section of footpath linking Gallery Walk on Long Road to the Tamborine Mountain Heritage Centre in Wongawallan Road.
This key connection has been allocated $500,000 in the 2023-2024 Budget, along with an additional $72,189 for minor works as needed across the region to maintain the condition of footpaths and ensure the safety of pedestrians.
"As well as encouraging a healthier and more active lifestyle, footpath improvements also bring an added social dimension by encouraging people to get out and about on foot and connect with others in the community," Mayor Christensen said.
Improvements to the Scenic Rim's drainage network, which includes 243 major culverts and 263 floodways, have been allocated capital funding of $370,000 in 2023-2024.
In addition to the $316,200 provided in the 2022-2023 Budget for stormwater drainage at Wiss Street, Kalbar, $225,000 has been allocated in 2023-2024 to upgrading infrastructure to alleviate historical drainage issues.
Following a review of Council's stormwater drainage, $204,579 has been allocated to replacing some sections of network drainage that have been identified as needing replacement and $150,000 has been provided for minor drainage improvements.
Against the backdrop of labour and materials shortages, Council is investing heavily in pre-construction activities for major transport projects.
More than $1.09 million has been allocated for activities ranging from land acquisitions to survey and design works, the relocation of underground services and pre-ordering of materials which can be difficult to source.
"We are committed to ensuring the best value to our ratepayers through our investment in infrastructure that provides the catalyst for ongoing growth and economic development and will stand the test of time," Mayor Christensen said.