Region's journey of revitalisation to continue at Canungra and Kalbar

Image of Kalbar township

Revitalisation of the Scenic Rim's townships will continue in 2023-2024 with Council's budget providing $225,000 to support planning for improvements to the business centres and streetscapes of Canungra and Kalbar.

The development of master plans for Canungra and Kalbar will build on the success of Council's Vibrant and Active Towns and Villages (VATV) initiative that has already transformed centres of Boonah, Tamborine Mountain and Beaudesert.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said the program of renewal offered social and economic benefits for the Scenic Rim, which is gaining widespread recognition for the quality of its cultural and community life.

"The VATV strategy is based on achievable plans for the revitalisation of town centres through enhancements to the built environment and partnerships between residents, business operators, all levels of government, not-for-profit organisations and members of our Indigenous and arts community," he said.

"Boonah and Tamborine Mountain have all seen increased social and economic activity as a result of master planning for improvements that reflect their unique character and sense of community, with planned improvements being delivered in Beaudesert.

"Accessibility has been improved through the addition of signage, markers, footpaths, parking and casual seating in public spaces.

"Community safety has been enhanced by upgraded lighting and increased social activity and the movement of vehicle and pedestrian traffic has been improved on the towns’ main streets."

Master planning for Canungra and Kalbar will take an integrated approach that considers the value of each township in its own right as well as its place in the wider Scenic Rim region.

"Canungra and Kalbar have not only experienced population growth in recent years but are also continuing to grow in popularity as destinations for visitors to the Scenic Rim," Mayor Christensen said.

"Our VATV initiative recognises the substantial social and economic returns of investing in the future of our communities."

The master plans for Canungra and Kalbar will be developed through community consultation involving public workshops, surveys and engagement in public spaces.

"Council will work with local artists, writers, traditional owners, the Scenic Rim Arts Reference Group and the Heritage Network to develop artistic and cultural elements that will be woven into the concept plans for these townships," Mayor Christensen said.

"Community involvement is key to creating a sense of connection between people and places."

As planning commences for Canungra and Kalbar, concept designs for a range of improvements proposed for Tamborine Mountain's Gallery Walk are set to progress in 2023-2024.

Community engagement helped to inform a business case for a pedestrian boulevard, including designs for a new car park, and Council's 2023-2024 Budget includes an allocation of $250,000 for a detailed design that will alleviate traffic issues and improve the safety and amenity of the popular Gallery Walk precinct.

The revitalisation of Beaudesert will also continue with further works to commence in August 2023.

Beaudesert's Indigenous heritage and local stories will be celebrated in the town centre gateway precinct, which will feature yarning circles, a new events deck and stage, grassed amphitheatre, public artworks and picnic areas.

The historic Beaudesert railway station building will be a centrepiece for the project, remaining in its original location and providing a point of reference for the new structures.

Improvements to the underground stormwater network on Short Street are also due to commence in August 2023.

"This will better protect the town centre from future flooding, creating confidence for residents and existing business operators as well as those planning to invest in Beaudesert," Mayor Christensen said.