Community echoes Council's calls for zero tolerance of abuse

Image showing zero tolerance for abuse

Scenic Rim Regional Council has reaffirmed its policy of zero tolerance for bullying and harassment following concerns raised by members of the community about a recent escalation in abusive behaviour.

Mayor Greg Christensen said the abuse of Council staff and other members of the community, either face-to-face or on social media platforms, does not reflect the character of the Scenic Rim region and community.

"The added stress of cost of living pressures appears to have created tensions that have boiled over into poor behaviour which has been directed at Councillors, Council staff and some sections of our community," he said.

"The hallmark of a democracy is freedom of speech, but freedom of speech is not a licence for anyone to be abusive, offensive or accusatory.

"Freedom of speech is the freedom to express a point of view, but it comes with a responsibility and understanding that others also hold a point of view and that this should be respected.

"Council is genuinely concerned about the lack of respect being shown by some, given that this a community whose members have supported each other and pulled together during tough times, weathering floods, drought bushfires and the COVID-19 pandemic."

Scenic Rim Regional Council is committed to providing staff with a safe work environment, free from bullying and harassment, and to ensuring the safety of members of the community accessing Council facilities.

Just as Council staff and elected officials should be able to serve the community in an environment free of abuse and harassment by the public, members of the community should expect to be able to access Council facilities without fear for their safety or being subjected to distressing incidents.

Council has reiterated that it will not tolerate racial, prejudicial, or insulting comments towards any member of its staff whether through:

  • face-to-face or similar personal interactions involving frontline personnel
  • telephone interactions 
  • written correspondence including letters, emails and digital interactions or  
  • on Council's social media platforms, such as commenting on posts and direct messaging.

"I am concerned about the impact the recent rise in levels of online commentary and vilification will have on our staff, who are highly qualified and committed to delivering the highest standards of service to our community," Mayor Christensen said.

"I am also concerned about the impact on everyday members of our community who have found themselves the target of hurtful and hateful comments."

Mayor Christensen said he is confident that the wider Scenic Rim community recognises that intolerance and discrimination have no place in the community.

"These values of respect and inclusion are shared by Council and its staff and it is disappointing that the unacceptable behaviour of a small minority could have had such a devastating impact on our community," he said.