New plantings bring new life to memorial garden

Beaudesert's Memorial Palm Garden, honouring those who served in World War Two, will be rejuvenated with new plantings and a makeover by Scenic Rim Regional Council.
With the approval of the Beaudesert RSL Sub Branch, Council will replace 33 palm trees which have failed to thrive with native species more suited to the area and which will attract nectar-loving birds.
The memorial garden was officially opened in August 1995 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the war's end, with 33 palm trees planted in memory of Beaudesert's servicemen and women who made the supreme sacrifice, giving their lives for their country during the conflict.
Many of the palm trees have died, either as a result of vandalism or their unsuitability to the local soil and growing conditions, and others have barely survived.
All will be replaced with Melaleuca 'Claret Tops' while the tree at the centre of the garden will be replaced with a Callistemon 'Wildfire'.
Beaudesert RSL Sub Branch President Steve Monteath welcomed the memorial garden's makeover.
"We at the RSL Sub Branch, members, families and our local community look forward to seeing a new, refreshed and invigorated garden reflecting those who have passed and presenting a vista that will be pleasing to all," he said.
"This is a most worthy project as the memorial garden does require attention and we thank Council and the gardeners for their input."
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said Council was pleased to progress the project to revitalise part of Jubilee Park that holds special significance for many in the local community and beyond.
"I am looking forward to seeing the new plantings which will be in place for the Vietnam War commemoration in August and Remembrance Day in November as we honour those who have served Australia," he said.