Council looks to partnerships to realise zero-waste vision

Image of Cr Michael Enright and Mayor Greg Christensen at Bromelton Waste Facility

Scenic Rim Councillor Michael Enright (left) and Mayor Greg Christensen at the Bromelton Waste Facility

Scenic Rim Regional Council is looking to partnerships to help realise the potential of the Bromelton Waste Facility and the region’s vision for a zero-waste future.

Expressions of interest will soon be sought from the waste and resource recovery sector and innovative community and social enterprises to work with Council to enhance its service delivery and environmental outcomes through improved processes and new technologies for managing waste and waste facilities.

Mayor Greg Christensen said Council aims to partner with organisations able to provide practical and sustainable waste and resource recovery solutions and which share Council's vision in working towards a zero-waste future.

“Our strategy, supported by the Scenic Rim community, sets out very clear and environmentally responsible targets that align with the Queensland Government’s policies supporting actions to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill,” he said.

“This project, to maximise the potential of the Bromelton Waste Facility and increase services to support our community, aims to drive innovation in the sphere of resource recovery, repurposing and remanufacturing that will contribute to our goals to establish a circular economy through the sustainable reuse and regeneration of materials.

“We live in an area of spectacular beauty and minimising waste disposed of in landfill is key to helping preserve our Scenic Rim’s natural values.”

Mayor Christensen said he was excited by the potential opportunities presented by the development of the Bromelton Waste Facility and the enhancement of Council’s waste management and resource recovery operations.

“There are some very innovative operators in the resource recovery and remanufacturing industry, as well as emerging organisations, including local community groups, which could add considerable value to our operations,” he said.

“This will reduce the impacts of the increasing costs of managing waste, supporting our 43,000 current residents and those who wish to live here in the future.”

Expressions of interest will open at 9am on Wednesday 19 April and close at 5pm on Friday 26 May 2023. A link to the submission portal will be available on Council's website during this period.

For further information on Council’s waste and resource recovery services, visit