Report card documents a year of significant achievements

Cover image of Scenic Rim Regional Prosperity Annual Report Card

The Scenic Rim’s remarkable resilience was highlighted by a year of significant achievements documented in the Regional Prosperity Annual Report Card 2021-2022 tabled at yesterday's Ordinary Meeting of Council.

The report card details Council’s achievements and outcomes across the five pillars supporting the Scenic Rim Regional Prosperity Strategy 2020-2025, despite the pandemic and disaster events which have impacted the region since late 2019.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said the strategy’s framework had been designed to support the creation of valuable jobs for local residents based on research, analysis and engagement with stakeholders, recognising the part played by all levels of government in facilitating economic development.

“While Council cannot control the economy, the investment decisions of business or the creation of jobs, it can play – and is playing - a key role as an enabler, supporting and contributing to the economic growth of the region,” he said.

“By taking a strategic approach and being proactive in identifying needs and opportunities, we can make a valuable contribution by helping to mitigate risk and maximising returns for our community.”

The strength of the first pillar of the Scenic Rim Regional Prosperity Strategy 2020-2025, Business and Industry Development, was reflected in 1710 business engagements which exceeded Council’s targets.

Queensland Small Business Month in May 2022, which saw the launch of the Shop Scenic Rim gift card program, included 19 events with 230 participants. Council also provided financial support to the Tamborine Mountain Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Boonah District Chamber of Commerce to deliver events locally.

Tamborine Mountain Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Geoff Baldwin acknowledged the excellent working relationship between Council and the Chamber and the roll-out of important initiatives supporting local businesses which range from professional services and retailing to trades, construction and manufacturing.

"Council's Regional Prosperity team works with the region's businesses to assist in building capacity, identifying opportunities for growth and providing a voice through its advocacy to relevant government agencies and representative groups," he said.

"Some 99 per cent of enterprises in the region are classed as a 'small business' and have limited resources - especially given recent challenges relating to labour force shortages, rising operational costs and natural disasters.

“These businesses are the mainstays of local employment and Council’s assistance by encouraging sustainable economic growth and the advancement of our business community ultimately benefits everyone within the Scenic Rim," he said.

With a focus on investment in smart technologies, Council adopted the landmark Scenic Rim Smart Region Strategy 2022–2032 in June 2022.

The engagement in November 2020 of PricewaterhouseCoopers, who consulted with Scenic Rim agribusiness and agritourism operators throughout the 2021-2022 year, culminated in the adoption in September 2022 of the Scenic Rim Agribusiness and Agritourism 10-Year Roadmap and Three-Year Action Plan identifying opportunities and efficiencies for the region’s food and beverage producers, processors and distributors.

Preparation of a Draft Major Amendment to the Scenic Rim Planning Scheme 2020 aligned with the Investment Facilitation pillar, supporting tourism and industry development.

At $182 million, building approvals for 2021-2022, comprising $132 million for residential and $59 million for non-residential, were at their highest since the Scenic Rim’s peak of $195 million in 2016-2017, well in excess of the figure of $140 million in 2020-2021.

The strategy’s pillar of Education and Workforce Development supported training opportunities for members of the community already working in the agricultural industry or who were considering entering the sector. As a result, 104 qualifications were awarded to participants in fields including horticulture, building and construction.

A gold award in The Richard Power Award for Tourism Marketing and Campaigns at the Queensland Tourism Awards in November 2021 - and a subsequent Highly Commended in the Australian Tourism Awards in March 2022 - was just one of Council’s successes under its Marketing and Promotion pillar.

Ranked number eight in October 2021 in the Top 10 ‘must visit’ regions for 2022 by global travel authority Lonely Planet, the Scenic Rim was ideally poised to capitalise on the anticipated resurgence of domestic and international tourism.

The eleventh Scenic Rim Eat Local Week, featuring more than 125 events across the region, contributed $1.9 million to the local economy. Additionally, ten destination-driven events, with a combined estimated economic impact of $5.3 million, were supported by the Regional Events Grants Program and provided a ratio of 241:1 return on investment.

Through its Advocacy for Infrastructure pillar, Council secured more than $59.215 million in combined Australian and Queensland Government funding, with total co-contributions of $18.161 million. Funding of $7.76 million through the SEQ City Deal, announced in March 2022, will kickstart planning for priority transport, economic and liveability projects across Scenic Rim.

Continued support for the Water for Warrill irrigation project will potentially provide $305 million in direct economic benefit and 1,340 jobs at completion. Advocacy to preserve the natural values of the Scenic Rim contributed to the withdrawal of two tenements to explore coal seam gas in the region.

“The report card clearly illustrates the early success of the Scenic Rim Regional Prosperity Strategy 2020- 2025 in supporting the vision shared by Council and the community for our region’s sustainable and prosperous economy,” Mayor Christensen said.

“We are looking forward to building on this by continuing to engage with local businesses and the agribusiness and agritourism sector to explore and capitalise on opportunities, championing the Bromelton State Development Area partnership as a driver for the local economy and continuing to promote investment in tourism and our region as ‘The Richest Place on Earth, in Australia’.”

Read the report card in full here.