Waste facility’s future outlined in updated master plan

Image from cover of Bromelton Central Waste Facility Master Plan Report

Enhanced efficiency, resource recovery and environmental outcomes are key features of the updated master plan for the Scenic Rim’s Bromelton Waste Facility.

Endorsed at Council’s Ordinary Meeting yesterday, the master plan enables flexibility in the long-term development of the facility as the move towards a circular economy gains momentum.

Mayor Greg Christensen, who also chairs the Council of Mayors South East Queensland Waste Working Group, said the master plan provided improved opportunities for the Scenic Rim region in line with Council’s overarching Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy 2021-2026.

“As a high-level concept plan, it provides a vision for the ongoing development of the Bromelton Waste Facility beyond the previous plan which was last updated in 2018,” he said.

“There have been significant changes in the areas of waste management and resource recovery since then.

“In a constantly evolving environment, this master plan will be considered a living document and reviewed regularly to ensure we continue to maximise every opportunity in the transition to a circular economy through the sustainable reuse of resources.”

The updated master plan takes account of environmental values, including matters of state environmental significance such as mapped koala habitat.

A circular economy community hub and research precinct and potential advanced waste management technology also feature in the facility’s footprints, enabling increased resource recovery and the development of commercial services.

The master plan also allows for the staged development of both residual waste and resource recovery infrastructure and the extended use of existing infrastructure, such as stormwater drains and access roads.

“With the support of the community, Council will continue to work to ensure we maintain our spectacular Scenic Rim by meeting the objectives of our Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy," Mayor Christensen said.

“I am excited by the potential within the master plan as we continue to build on that firm foundation.”