Beaudesert Town Centre revitalisation project marks major milestone

Image of the new car park in Brisbane Street Beaudesert

The new Town Centre car park off Brisbane Street, Beaudesert

The multi-stage revitalisation of the Beaudesert Town Centre has reached a major milestone with the completion of a new roundabout and the extension of Selwyn Street to Helen Street with new car parking on both streets.

Scenic Rim residents and visitors to the town centre will also see new pedestrian crossings and new off-street car parking that provides additional spaces for cars and caravans at Davidson Park.

Deputy Mayor Jeff McConnell said he was excited to see progress on the landmark town centre project following disruption to the works schedule due to wet weather, resourcing issues and industry delays.

"Like many other areas across south-east Queensland, we have faced the challenge of delivering important projects for our community and maximising ratepayer dollars against the backdrop of ongoing delays which have been beyond our control," he said.

"I am proud of the way our teams have adapted to deliver these significant works, amongst other projects across the Scenic Rim, for the liveability and prosperity of our region."

These first two stages of works have improved safety for pedestrians and motorists with the inclusion of new crossings and connections, a new roundabout to help manage peak traffic flow and the addition of parking spaces to cater for residents as well as an increase in visitor numbers along the extension of Selwyn Street.

These works have seen the installation of stormwater infrastructure on Selwyn, Helen and Hereford streets.

"The current stages of works on the town centre project are almost complete, with teams carrying out the finishing touches as we plan the third stage of works to improve the drainage system," Councillor Michael Enright said.

For further information on the Beaudesert Town Centre Revitalisation Project visit Council's website or Let's Talk Scenic Rim to view the concept designs and progress photos.

Join the Community Panel on Let's Talk Scenic Rim to receive regular project updates.

View the fly-through video here.

The Beaudesert Town Centre Revitalisation is jointly funded by the Australian Government’s Building Better Regions Fund and the Queensland Government in association with Scenic Rim Regional
