Disaster Management Policy update supports safer and more resilient community

Scenic Rim Regional Council has updated its Disaster Management Policy to ensure its disaster management arrangements continue to support a safer, more secure and resilient local community and meet the region's changing needs.
The Policy, which was previously reviewed in November 2018, has been revised to incorporate the roles and responsibilities of all groups and individuals involved in the region's disaster management, particularly the Scenic Rim Local Disaster Management Group.
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen, who chairs the Local Disaster Management Group, said the updated Policy provided an effective and integrated approach to enable an appropriate and coordinated response to a range of significant disaster events that may arise.
"The policy update is timely, given that this year our region is facing its third consecutive La Nina weather event that could again bring flooding to the Scenic Rim, and reinforces our preparedness for any eventuality", he said.
"It takes an all-agency approach to the prevention, preparation, response and recovery from a range of emergency and disaster events, whether these are the result of forces of nature or human activity."
Scenic Rim Deputy Mayor Jeff McConnell, who is also Deputy Chair of the Local Disaster Management Group, said in reviewing its Disaster Management Policy, which was endorsed at this week's Ordinary Meeting, Council compared policies of neighbouring south east Queensland Councils such as Gold Coast City, Logan City, Ipswich City, Somerset Regional, Lockyer Valley and Southern Downs.
In line with the Disaster Management Act 2003 and the Disaster Management Regulation 2014, the revised Policy identifies Council's responsibilities and activities for managing emergency or disaster events in the Scenic Rim region.
"Emergency services and other organisations play a leading role in managing specific emergency or disaster events in line with the relevant legislation and their area of expertise", Deputy Mayor McConnell said.
"Through the Local Disaster Management Group, Council supports these services in emergency or disaster situations and in the response and recovery phase following such events.
"As a Council, we are committed to continuing to build a more resilient region that understands the importance of prevention, preparedness, response and recovery in the event of an emergency or disaster, with a focus on the needs of the most vulnerable members of our community."