Biodiversity Strategy Report Card highlights environmental achievements and challenges
Scenic Rim Regional Council are proud to release the first Biodiversity Strategy Report Card which provides a holistic evaluation of achievements and efforts made between 2015-2020 to preserve biodiversity in the region.
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen says in 2015 Council adopted the Scenic Rim Biodiversity Strategy 2015-2025, which acts as a 10-year framework to inform Council planning and operational activities within the biodiversity space.
“Central to this vision are improved environmental outcomes ensuring a positive legacy for future generations in the Scenic Rim.
“We recognise that ecological balance within the Scenic Rim’s native bushland, national parks and waterways underpin our local industries as well as representing the vital organs of the wider region.
“The Biodiversity Strategy Report Card 2015-2020 gives the public context of what we have accomplished within the first five years of this framework, as well as describing the present and future challenges we face as a region.”
Highlights include that Council had provided 393,095 native trees through the One Million Trees Program by 2020 and over 13,000 hectares of private land was included in the Habitat Protection Program.
Mayor Christensen also acknowledged the community effort involved in achieving deliverables.
“We are proud to partner with a range of organisations and individuals who have each helped in developing and delivering actions of the strategy," he said.
“This includes delivering 143 Environmental Grant projects valued at $477,882.
“Indeed many hands make light work, and we are grateful for the efforts of our community far and wide who are passionate about biodiversity actions and outcomes for the future."
The Report Card also brings to light some of the challenges the region is facing including the reduction in native vegetation cover, with a loss of almost 1,300 hectares. Furthermore, between 2015-2020, the number of threatened species increased significantly at both a state and national level, with more species nearing extinction.
“Through protecting biodiversity; key values including lifestyle, amenity, industry, cultural heritage, intrinsic qualities and life-support functions can be maintained, creating a thriving and liveable region," Mayor Christensen said
“Biodiversity is an essential part of why residents and visitors alike choose the Scenic Rim as a destination to live and to explore.”
To view the Scenic Rim Biodiversity Strategy Report Card 2015-2020, visit Council’s website and search 'Biodiversity'.
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