Council endorses updated concept design for Long Road Sports Complex Master Plan

At Tuesday's Ordinary meeting, Council has endorsed concept design drawings presented within an updated master plan for the Long Road Sports Complex at Tamborine Mountain.
The updated Master Plan, presented by the lessee Tamborine Mountain Sports Association, was completed using funds released in July 2020, as part of Council's 2019-2020 budget.
The updated Master Plan design concepts include hard and soft landscaping, multi-purpose buildings and structures, sporting fields and facilities, play areas, community gardens, cultural, arts and event facilities, bike and running courses, a skate park and additional infrastructure and amenities.
Division 1 Councillor, Cr Derek Swanborough said that the updated master plan design concepts are consistent with the intent of the site being for community-based sports activities.
"The Long Road Sports Complex Master Plan is intended as a broad, long-term strategy to embrace the full potential of this community space atop Tamborine Mountain," he said.
"We are confident that the proposed development within this updated Master Plan is consistent with the overarching vision of an accessible, multi-use precinct for community sports and events, created with thorough community consultation, and with consideration for long-term benefits and operational costs.
"As the landowners, Council are very keen to maximise the full potential of this site, and the endorsement of this updated Master Plan allows for the next steps of the planning process to proceed with Council support."
Approval for the delivery of further development stages of the Master Plan will be subject to factors such as community needs and further consultation, available funding sources, approval processes, political support and changes in recreation demands over time.
Mayor Greg Christensen said the endorsement of the updated Master Plan does not include any form of financial commitment from Council at this stage.
"However, as the project progresses, in multiple stages, financial support requests will be submitted and considered, with appropriate consultation, as Council funding, grant funding or other funding is available," he said.