Celebrating resurgence of Scenic Rim small businesses

Queensland Small Business Month 2022

In celebration of Queensland Small Business Month 2022, Scenic Rim Regional Council is excited to announce a month-long program of events to help local business connect with industry specialists, government and each other. 

More than 15 events will be on offer throughout May, hosted by Council, local Chambers of Commerce, industry specialists, government departments and more, where local businesses can learn new skills, reconnect, and get inspired for the future. 

Mayor Greg Christensen said that small businesses are the backbone of the Scenic Rim economy. 

"Small businesses account for more than 98.5% of our region's businesses, so it’s important we provide opportunities for our business owners and their employees to upskill and learn from one another," he said. 

“Besides benefiting individual businesses, this program will also build the strength and resilience of our small business sector and our broader regional economy, which is a win for the whole region. 

“Small Business Month in the Scenic Rim will cover a range of topics, from social media to secrets of success, payroll to planning, grant writing to resilience, so there will be something for every type of business. 

“We know it is tough for small business owners to take time away from their business, so to give business owners the flexibility they need, there is a mix of in-person and online events, from webinars to a business breakfast, walk-in business hubs and more. 

"Queensland’s Small Business Month 2022 will mark the sector’s resurgence after the impacts of COVID-19 and flood events so it is important that, as a region, we take the time to celebrate our small business’ importance in driving our economy, creating local jobs and building strong and rich communities. 

“I encourage all Scenic Rim small businesses to check out the calendar of events and get involved in as much as possible — you never know where it could take you and your business."   

View the calendar of events and book your tickets at www.scenicrim.qld.gov.au/QSBM2022