Council approves floorplan for new Tamborine Mountain Library

Existing Tamborine Mountain Library

Community feedback has helped shape planning for the new $2.14 million Tamborine Mountain Library space to be completed this year.

At its Ordinary Meeting this week, Scenic Rim Regional Council approved the floorplan as the final concept to inform the development of the detailed design prior to going to tender.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said the refurbishment of the Tamborine Mountain Library was one of seven Local Economic Recovery Program projects totalling $3.695 million proudly supported by the Australian and Queensland governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

“Council’s purchase of the former IGA supermarket near the existing library enabled us to deliver this landmark project which we are excited to progress,” Cr Christensen said.

“A review of Scenic Rim libraries in 2016 highlighted the need for additional space to meet community needs at Tamborine Mountain and Council is grateful for the funding that has made this project possible, which will provide a new space that is almost three times the size of the current library.”

Following a tender for architectural design services in June 2021, Council appointed Hamilton Hayes Henderson Architects who drew on input from the community in developing the concepts and floor plan layout for the new library space.

Key features of the new space were identified by members of the community through a ‘have your say’ process which was completed in October 2021.

The architects have also worked with Council’s library and customer service employees to ensure the design meets the needs of those working in the space.

“Council’s libraries are more than collections of books and electronic resources – they are hubs around which community life revolves,” Cr Christensen said.

“The concept for the refurbished Tamborine Mountain Library is for a space that will meet community needs now and for the next 20 years and we are grateful for the funding that will help Council deliver this project for the Tamborine Mountain community.”

Following completion of this project, Council will consider how to best utilise the existing library space.