Scenic Rim 2023 Charts Council's Course for the Next Five Years


A plan aligned with the long-term vision for the region, Scenic Rim 2023, has been adopted by Council.

The five-year Corporate Plan as required under the Local Government Act 2009, provides the framework for Council's financial management and planning, strategic planning and annual operational planning.

Corporate and Community Services Chair Cr Virginia West said Scenic Rim 2023 was the second Corporate Plan to be developed and adopted under the Scenic Rim Community Plan 2011-2026.

"The Community Plan was the result of extensive community consultation in 2010-11 and represents the vision for the Scenic Rim shared by Council and the region's residents and business owners," she said.

"This has formed the basis for the Corporate Plan which has been structured on the Community Plan themes of Spectacular Scenery and Healthy Environment, Sustainable and Prosperous Economy, Open and Responsive Government, Relaxed Living and Rural Lifestyle, Vibrant Towns and Villages, Accessible and Serviced Region and Healthy, Engaged and Resourceful Communities.

"Scenic Rim 2023 reflects the goals and aspirations of the 2016-2020 Council. It is more closely aligned with the wide range of services provided by Council and the positioning of projects and programs in Council's annual Operational Plans and Annual Reports."