Scenic Rim Mayor to discuss with Premier local impacts of COVID-19 Transition Roadmap


Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen will make an urgent representation to the Premier of Queensland to discuss impacts on Scenic Rim residents and businesses of the COVID-19 Transition Roadmap including the COVID-19 Vaccine Plan to Unite Families.

Cr Christensen tabled a Mayoral Minute at yesterday's Ordinary Meeting proposing a motion seeking support from his fellow Councillors to request the Queensland Government reassess the proposed restrictions and constraints in its COVID-19 Transition Roadmap prior to its implementation on 17 December 2021.

Councillors unanimously endorsed the motion.

"From discussions and correspondence across our region, I have confirmed that current proposed restrictions and constraints pose a risk to our social fabric and participation, while also imposing unacceptable cost, physical and economic risk upon both individuals and business operators," Cr Christensen said.

"It is my belief that there are a significant range of matters that should be re-examined by the Queensland Government, while there is still time ahead of 17 December, because they currently present onerous burdens for many in our Scenic Rim communities."

A copy of the Mayoral Minute is available on Council's website here.